The Facts About Proteins

Protein is something we hear a lot about. But how much do we really know about protein. The purpose of this article is to take a look at the facts about protein.

What are Proteins?

Proteins are nutrients that are essential to building muscle mass. Each gram of protein contains 4 calories. Protein makes up about 15 percent of a person’s body weight. Chemically, protein is composed of amino acids, which are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur. In a previous article, Dietary supplements the facts; more detail is given on amino acids.

The functions of proteins

Protein is found in all animal products, and it is essential to our lives because it’s part of every cell in our bodies.

Their importance— the importance of this nutrient, which is really just a large molecule made up of amino acids, has been known for a long time. These basic building blocks of proteins are linked together by unique chemical bonds called peptide bonds. To stress the importance of proteins, the word protein comes from the Greek word Proteios, which means of foremost importance.

They Provide Structure—I mentioned previously about amino acids being the building blocks of proteins, but it is also true to say that proteins themselves are building blocks of the body.

This leads to the first important function of protein, which is to provide structure. Structural proteins make up integral parts of the body. For example, keratin is a type of protein found in the hair, nails and skin that helps give these structures strength. That’s externally, but internally, inside the body, protein provides structure to every cell. Collagen, which is a structural protein, found in various connective tissues, provides the framework for the ligaments that hold our bones together and the tendons that attach muscles to those bones.

They Regulate Body Processes—Proteins also regulate body processes. For example, enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body. Without them, basic activities like breaking down the foods we eat would happen too slowly to support life. Enzymes can be thought of as proteins that shift the body’s processes into high gear, much like our morning coffee gets our day moving along.

Body processes are also influenced by hormones, which are proteins that regulate the activity of cells or organs. Hormones are like chemical messengers that carry an order from one part of the body to another, much like FedEx carries packages from point A to point B. For example, insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar by carrying a message to the body cells about how much sugar is present in the blood.

They Cause Biochemical Reactions—Enzymes are a type of protein that aid the thousands of biochemical reactions that take place within and outside of the cells

The structure of enzymes allows them to combine with other molecules inside the cell called substrates, which cause reactions that are essential to our metabolism.

Enzymes may also function outside the cell, such as digestive enzymes, which help digest sugar.

Some enzymes require other molecules, such as vitamins or minerals, for a reaction to take place.

Bodily functions that depend on enzymes include:

  • Energy production
  • Blood clotting
  • Digestion
  • Muscle contraction

To not have enough or improper function of these enzymes can result in disease.

They Maintain Proper pH—PH is the balance between acidity and alkalinity in the body. When your body fluids contain too much acid, it’s known as acidosis.

Proteins play a vital role in regulating the concentrations of acids and bases in the blood and other bodily fluids.

The balance between acids and bases is measured using the pH scale. It ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic, 7 neutral and 14 the most alkaline.

Examples of the pH value of common substances include:

  • pH 12: Soapy water
  • pH 10: Milk of magnesia
  • pH 7.4: Human blood
  • pH 5: Black coffee
  • pH 4: Tomato juice
  • pH 2: Stomach acid

A variety of buffering systems allows the bodily fluids to maintain normal pH ranges.

A constant pH is necessary, in view of the fact that even a slight change in pH can be harmful or potentially deadly.

One way the body regulates pH is with proteins. An example is hemoglobin, a protein that makes up red blood cells. Hemoglobin binds small amounts of acid, helping to maintain the normal pH value of your blood. The other buffer systems in the body include phosphate and bicarbonate.

They Balance Fluids—Proteins regulate body processes to maintain fluid balance.

Albumin and globulin are proteins in our blood that help maintain our body’s fluid balance by attracting and retaining water.

If we don’t eat enough protein, our levels of albumin and globulin eventually decrease.

Consequently, these proteins can no longer keep blood in your blood vessels, and the fluid is forced into the spaces between your cells. As the fluid continues to build up in the spaces between the cells, swelling or edema occurs, particularly in the stomach region.

This is a form of severe protein malnutrition called kwashiorkor that develops when a person is consuming enough calories but does not consume enough protein. However, Kwashiorkor is rare in developed regions of the world and occurs more often in areas of starvation.

They boost Immune Health—Proteins help form antibodies, to fight infection. Antibodies are proteins in the blood that help protect the body from harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses. When these foreign invaders enter the cells, the body produces antibodies that tag them for elimination. Without these antibodies, bacteria and viruses would be free to multiply and overwhelm the body with the diseases they cause.

Once the body has produced antibodies against a particular bacteria or virus, the cells never forget how to make them. This allows the antibodies to respond quickly the next time a particular disease agent invades your body. As a result, the body develops immunity against the diseases to which it is exposed. Vaccines function on this principal.

They Transport and Store Nutrients—Transport proteins carry substances throughout the bloodstream — into cells, out of cells or within cells.

The substances transported by these proteins include nutrients like vitamins or minerals, blood sugar, cholesterol and oxygen. For example, hemoglobin, mentioned earlier, is a protein that carries oxygen from your lungs to body tissues. Glucose transporters (GLUT) move glucose to your cells, while lipoproteins transport cholesterol and other fats in your blood. Protein transporters are specific, meaning they will only bind to specific substances. For example, a protein transporter that moves glucose will not move cholesterol.

Proteins also have storage roles. Ferritin is a storage protein that stores iron.

Another storage protein is casein, which is the principal protein in milk that helps infants grow.

They Provide Energy—Proteins can supply the body with energy.

Protein contains four calories per gram, the same amount of energy that carbs provide. Fats supply the most energy, at nine calories per gram. However, the last thing your body wants to use for energy is protein since this valuable nutrient is widely used throughout your body.

Carbs and fats are much better suited for providing energy, as your body maintains reserves for use as fuel. Moreover, they’re metabolized more efficiently compared to protein. In fact, protein supplies your body with very little of its energy needs under normal circumstances.

However, in a state of fasting (18–48 hours of no food intake), your body breaks down skeletal muscle so that the amino acids can supply you with energy.

Your body also uses amino acids from broken-down skeletal muscle if carbohydrate storage is low. This can occur after exhaustive exercise or if you don’t consume enough calories in general.

In summary, protein can serve as a valuable energy source but only in situations of fasting, exhaustive exercise or inadequate calorie intake.

It looks like protein has many roles in the body. It helps repair and build the body’s tissues, allows metabolic reactions to take place and coordinates bodily functions. In addition to providing the body with a structural framework, proteins also maintain proper pH and fluid balance.

Finally, they keep the immune system strong, transport and store nutrients and can act as an energy source, if needed.

Collectively, these functions make protein one of the most important nutrients for the health of the body.

How to get Protein in your diet

As you can see, getting enough protein is important for optimal health. For this reason, the recommended daily intake (RDI) for protein is 50 grams per day.

However, some researchers believe that many people should be eating significantly more than this amount.

A high protein intake can help with weight loss, increase muscle mass and improve health, to name a few.

Here are some easy ways to eat more protein.

Cheese SnacksSnacks are a good way to get extra protein into your diet, as long as you choose the right types. Many common snack foods are very low in protein, such as chips, pretzels and crackers. To give an example, a 28-gram (1-oz) serving of tortilla chips has 137 calories but only 2 grams of protein.

In contrast, the same amount of cheddar cheese contains 7 grams of protein, along with 20 fewer calories and 4 times as much calcium.

Additionally, cheese doesn’t seem to raise cholesterol levels much, even in people with high cholesterol. In fact, cheese may even benefit heart health.

Eggsmany breakfast foods are low in protein, including toast, bagels and cereals.

Although oatmeal contains more protein than most cereals, it still only provides about 6 grams in a typical 1-cup serving. On the other hand, three large eggs provide 19 grams of high-quality protein, along with important nutrients like selenium and choline.

What’s more, several studies have shown that eating eggs for breakfast reduces appetite and keeps you full for several hours, so you end up eating fewer calories later in the day.

Eating whole eggs can also modify the size and shape of your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol particles in a way that may decrease heart disease risk.

Have a Protein Shake for Breakfast A shake or smoothie can be a great breakfast, depending on the ingredients. Many smoothies contain a lot of fruit, vegetables or juice, but little protein. Protein powders make it easy to create a high-protein shake. There are several types on the market, including whey, soy, egg and pea protein. Whey protein powder has been studied the most and seems to have an edge over the others when it comes to helping you feel full. One scoop (28 grams) of whey powder provides about 20 grams of protein, on average.

Here is a basic whey shake recipe. To boost the protein content even more, use more protein powder or add peanut butter, almond butter, flaxseeds or chia seeds.

Whey Protein Shake

  • 8 oz (225 grams) unsweetened almond milk.
  • 1 scoop of whey powder.
  • 1 cup fresh berries.
  • Stevia
    or another healthy sweetener, if desired.
  • 1/2 cup crushed ice.

Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.

AlmondsAlmonds are extraordinarily healthy. They’re high in magnesium, fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, yet low in digestible carbs. Almonds also contain 6 grams of protein in a 28-gram (1-oz) serving, which makes them a better source than most nuts. Although a serving of almonds contains around 167 calories, studies have shown that your body actually absorbs only about 129 of those calories because some of the fat isn’t digested.

So as a suggestion, sprinkle a few tablespoons of chopped almonds over yogurt, cottage cheese, salads or oatmeal to increase your protein intake and to also add flavor and crunch.

Greek YogurtGreek yogurt is a versatile, high-protein food. An 8-oz serving provides 17–20 grams of protein, depending on the brand which is about twice the amount in traditional yogurt. Greek yogurt is made by removing whey and other liquids to produce a richer, creamier yogurt. Research shows Greek yogurt increases the release of the gut hormones GLP-1 and PYY, which reduce hunger and make you feel full. In addition, it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has been shown to promote fat loss in some studies. Greek yogurt has a tangy flavor that goes well with berries or chopped fruit. It can also be used as a substitute for sour cream in dips, sauces and other recipes.

Add Protein to Your SaladsSalads are have plenty of vegetables that provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help protect from disease. However, they often contain only a few grams of protein, which will most likely lead to hunger after an hour or two.

To add protein to your salad, top it with any of the foods below. A 100-gram (3.5-oz) serving of these foods will give you the following amounts of protein:

  • Cheese: 22 grams.
  • Tuna: 26 grams.
  • Salmon: 25 grams.
  • Chicken or turkey breast: 30 grams.

It’s good to Include a High-Protein Food with Every Mealwhen it comes to protein, it’s not just the total amount you take in every day that matters. Getting enough at each meal is also important. Several researchers recommend consuming a minimum of 20–30 grams of protein at each meal. Studies show that this amount provides fullness and preserves muscle mass better than smaller amounts eaten throughout the day.

Select foods from this list of delicious high-protein foods in order to make sure you meet your needs at every meal.

Select Leaner, Slightly Larger Cuts of MeatSelecting leaner cuts of meat and increasing portion sizes slightly can significantly boost the protein content of your meal. What’s more, your meal may even end up being lower in calories. For example, compare these two steaks:

  • Rib eye steak (fatty): 18 g protein and 274 calories per 100 g (3.5 oz).
  • Top sirloin steak (lean): 24 g protein and 225 calories per 112 g (4 oz).

[See the difference?!]

Bottom Line: choosing leaner cuts of meat and slightly larger portions is an easy way to increase your protein intake. The leaner, the meaner! LOL!

Add Peanut Butter with FruitFruit is rich in antioxidants, nutrients and fiber. However, it’s very low in protein. Peanut butter is a delicious, high-protein food with a creamy texture that complements firm fruits such as apples and pears. By spreading 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on sliced fruit will boost the total protein content by 8 grams. Additionally, studies suggest that peanut butter may decrease appetite, reduce blood sugar levels and promote heart health.

Eat Lean JerkyLean jerky is a convenient way to get more protein into your diet. But, it is important to choose a healthy type.

Many types of jerky contain sugar, preservatives and various questionable ingredients. They’re also frequently made from lower-quality meat. Some jerky and “snack sticks” come from grass-fed beef, bison and other free-range animals. Choosing jerky from grass-fed animals will provide better-quality meat with higher amounts of healthy omega-3 fats. Lean jerkies or snack sticks contain about 7 grams of protein per 28 grams (1 oz). They can often be stored for several months without refrigeration and are ideal for travel.

Cottage CheeseCottage cheese is a tasty food that’s also very high in protein. A one-cup (225-gram) serving contains 25 grams of protein and 220 calories. A 2015 study found cottage cheese to be as filling and satisfying as eggs. What’s more, the full-fat type is a good source of CLA, which may promote fat loss and lead to improvements in body composition. Cottage cheese is delicious on its own. But you can also try it with chopped nuts or seeds, cinnamon and stevia or another sweetener for a quick breakfast. Additionally, smaller amounts of cottage cheese make a great snack.

Bottom Line: Cottage cheese is a versatile, high-protein food that makes you feel full and may help improve body composition.

Canned Fishcanned fish is a fantastic way to boost protein intake. It requires no refrigeration, so it’s great for travel. It can be enjoyed as a snack or with a meal. Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel are also excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which can fight inflammation and improve heart health. A 100-gram (3.5-oz) serving of canned fish contains between 20–25 grams of protein and 150–200 calories.

Ideas for serving canned fish include combining it with healthy mayo, serving it on top of a salad or eating it straight from the can.

Tip: Eating protein first at meals can help you feel full and keep blood sugar and insulin levels from rising too high.

The bottom line

Getting enough protein is very important. A high protein intake can help you lose weight and gain muscle, while improving your body composition and metabolic health. Fortunately, this is easy to do if you follow the simple tips above.

In today’s busy society, it isn’t always easy to get the nutrients we need. That’s where dietary supplements come in handy. Amazon (paid link)
has a vast selection of protein supplements that can help in getting the protein one needs. To observe and purchase click here. (paid link)

Please feel free to leave any question or comment below.

Good Health!!




Prostate Revive Review: my personal experience

I am writing this review based on my personal experience with Prostate Revive. This article contains a Prostate Revive Review.

What is Prostate Revive?

Prostate revive is an all natural nutritional supplement offered by Medix Select, a line of dietary supplements. Medix Select is one of the nation’s premier nutraceutical companies—a company that sells natural products (mainly vitamins, minerals or herbs) for the benefit of health. I‘m using other supplements offered by Medix Select and I can honestly say, their products work!

A great product for prostate health!

Prostate Revive was formulated specifically for men by Dr. Brownstein who is a board certified family physician and one of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine. His specialty is family medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.

Prostate Revive contains 15 natural ingredients when combined provide normal prostate health, urinary frequency and flow. It also reduces the possibility of inflammation to prostate tissues.

Other symptoms of an enlarged prostate that may be alleviated include:

  •  Frequent trips to the bathroom to urinate, especially during the night
  •  The discomfort of sitting even for short periods
  •  Performance issues with intimacy

Please note that if these symptoms are not corrected, an enlarged prostate can cause serious urinary problems.

What are the Ingredients of Prostate Revive?

The natural ingredients of Prostate Revive are as follows:

  • Saw Palmetto Extract: This is the extract of the dwarf palm plant. It is one of the well-known cures for prostate problems. The benefit of this extract is that it reduces or prevents the transformation of testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is a sex steroid, meaning it is produced in the gonads. It is also an androgen hormone.

Androgens are responsible for the biological characteristics of males, including a deeper voice, body hair, and increased muscle mass. During fetal development, DHT plays a vital role in the development of the penis and prostate gland.

At age 40, when the level of DHT begins to rise, the level of normal testosterone lowers. This is one of the main reasons why the size of the prostate increases; causing more pressure on the urethra thus restricting urine flow.

  • Beta-Sitosterol: The benefit of the plant is that it lowers the level of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme to reduce DHT.
  • Pomegranate Fruit Extract: The extract of the pomegranate fruit have powerful antioxidant effects. This product helps to keep the prostate cells healthy. According to the Mayo Clinic, some early research suggested that drinking pomegranate juice slowed the progression of prostate cancer, but additional research has failed to confirm those results.
  • Pumpkin Seed Powder: It contains phytosterols; which reduce the enlargement of the prostate and reduce the transformation of testosterone into DHT. Besides, the results of one small study showed that pumpkin seed improves urinary disorder in human overactive bladder.
  • Pygeum: It is a bark of an African plum tree.
  • Boswellia Gum Extract: The extract is used to sustain joint health also, to promote appropriate inflammatory response.
  • Stinging Nettle Root: helpful in relieving the urinary problems due to an enlarged prostate
  • Lycopene: Lycopene is typically found in tomatoes. It has enormous antioxidant effect.
  • Flower Pollen: The extract of the flower supports the healthy size of the prostate and helps to relieve urinary symptoms. Several studies suggest that the use of flower pollen extract for the management of chronic prostatitis patients is beneficial.

    These are all natural ingredients!
  • Hydrangea Root Powder: The powder has a powerful antioxidant. It supports the size of the prostate and its functioning.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant effects.
  • Selenium:
    Considerable research highlights the importance of selenium for optimal prostate health. It has properties that can control inflammation.
  • Vitamin D3: is one of the most powerful healing chemicals in the body.
  • Vitamin E: Known for its antioxidant resources, vitamin E provides prostate health support.
  • Zinc: Scientists have long known that zinc plays a fundamental role in maintaining the health of the prostate, especially as you grow older. Zinc is also helpful in maintaining the proper size of the prostate.
  • Copper: Copper is a trace mineral vital to the health and function of the prostate. A nutritional supplement designed for optimal prostate health should always maintain a correct balance between zinc and copper, because zinc can reduce the absorption of copper in the body.

Note that these ingredients are said to be well-known and powerful.

The Advantages of Prostate Revive

Prostate Revive can enhance your urination by increasing the flow and promote better sleep at night by reducing your trips to the bathroom. It can also provide you with serious anti-inflammatory properties preventing prostatitis. It may enhance your ability to reduce leaking during urination. Lastly, it could potentially minimize the frequency with which you are going to the bathroom overall.

It is safe, as the supplement is made of merely natural ingredients. So, they cannot have a bad influence on health. As of the publishing of this article, no side effects have been reported of Prostate Revive.

My Personal Experience

My personal experience with Prostate Revive has been a very positive one with regard to my prostate. Once I recognized the symptoms, I didn’t wait until they got worse, I took action. I began using this product 8 years ago after using another product for about 2 years which was working, but I was impressed with the ingredients of Prostate Revive.

I have an enlarged prostate and I was having the following symptoms:

  • Weakened urine stream
  •  Up to three bathrooms trips at night
  •  Inadequate prostate function

All of the above functions normalized while taking Prostate Revive. I now make 0-1 trips to the bathroom at night. The improvements began after about 7-10 days after commencing usage. At some point I stopped taking it out of neglect and the symptoms began to return. At that point, I resumed taking it and I haven’t stopped since and I have had no side effects.

I am examined annually by a urologist and the prostate is still enlarged but normally for my age, with no inflammation or symptoms.

If you or someone you know is having issues with their prostate, I highly recommend this product.

It is available at Amazon in 30 or 90 day supply.  Click here for prices.   (paid links)

For more detailed information on the prostate see my article: 

Please feel free to leave any question comment or concern below




The Facts about Carbohydrates: are they really that bad

Carbohydrates, also known as carbs are a well-used term today. The

conventional wisdom of the day is to avoid them. But are they really that bad? This article will yield the facts about carbohydrates and you can decide for yourself.

The Facts about Carbohydrates
Are they really that bad?!!

What are carbohydrates

Carbohydrates (aka carbs) are one of the main types of nutrients. The others are proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy for the body. The digestive system changes carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar). The body uses this sugar for energy for the cells, tissues and organs. It stores any extra sugar in the liver and muscles for when it is needed.

Carbohydrates are known as simple or complex, depending on their chemical structure. Simple carbohydrates include sugars found naturally in foods such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and milk products. They also include sugars added during food processing and refining. Complex carbohydrates include whole grain breads and cereals, starchy vegetables and legumes. Many of the complex carbohydrates are good sources of fiber.

Carbohydrates have somewhat of a bad reputation, especially when it comes to weight gain. But carbohydrates aren’t all bad. Because of their numerous health benefits, carbohydrates have a rightful place in our diets. In fact, the body needs carbohydrates to function properly.

But some carbohydrates might be better for us than others. There is a need to understand more about carbohydrates and how to choose healthy ones.

Carbohydrates are found in many foods and beverages. Most carbohydrates occur naturally in plant-based foods, such as grains. Food manufacturers also add carbohydrates to processed foods in the form of starch or added sugar.

Common sources of naturally occurring carbohydrates include: vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, milk, seeds, and grains.

There are three main types of carbohydrates:

  • Starch. Starch is a complex carbohydrate, meaning it is made of many sugar units bonded together. Starch occurs naturally in vegetables, grains, and cooked dry beans and peas.
  • Fiber. There’s quite a bit of talk about fiber and its benefits these days. Well, fiber also is a complex carbohydrate. It occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and cooked dry beans and peas. [More on fiber below]
  • Sugar. Sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrate and occurs naturally in some foods, including fruits, vegetables, milk and milk products. Types of sugar include fruit sugar (fructose), table sugar (sucrose) and milk sugar (lactose).

Why is fiber important?

Fiber promotes a healthy digestive system by keeping the bowels moving. It also can help prevent obesity and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes by slowing down digestion and keeping you full longer.

Fiber can be soluble (dissolves in water) or insoluble (does not dissolve in water).

Soluble fiber can be found in most fruits; some vegetables, including corn, peas and carrots; oatmeal and oat bran; nuts, seeds and dry beans. When mixed with water during digestion, this type of fiber becomes a thick, gelatin material. Soluble fiber can help lower cholesterol (related to heart disease risk) and blood glucose (related to risk for diabetes).

Insoluble fiber is also found in a variety of foods, especially foods made with whole wheat flour, wheat bran, brown rice, whole grain cereals, couscous, most vegetables, and fruits. Insoluble fiber helps the body move waste through the digestive system. It also can help prevent small blood clots that can cause heart attacks or strokes.

Both kinds of fiber are important. Adult women should try to eat at least 20 grams of fiber a day. Men should try to eat 30 grams a day. The easiest way to include fiber in the diet is to eat a variety of foods that include raw, whole fruits and vegetables, beans, and whole grain breads, pastas and cereals.

Facts about carbohydrates

Terms such as “low carb” or “net carbs” often appear on product labels. Typically, “net carbs” is used to mean the amount of carbohydrates in a product excluding fiber, or excluding both fiber and sugar alcohols.

One means of classifying carbs is the glycemic index. The glycemic index classifies carbohydrate-containing foods according to their potential to raise your blood sugar level.

Weight-loss diets based on the glycemic index typically recommend limiting foods that are higher on the glycemic index. Foods with a relatively high glycemic index ranking include potatoes and white bread, and less healthy options such as snack foods and desserts that contain refined flours.

Many healthy foods, such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products, are naturally lower on the glycemic index.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, for a consumption of 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day.

Reading product labels are required reading in today’s world. The carbohydrate content of packaged foods can be found on the Nutrition Facts label on each package. The label shows total carbohydrates — which includes starches, fiber, sugar alcohols, and naturally occurring and added sugars. Labels might also list separately total fiber, soluble fiber and sugar.

Despite their bad reputation, carbohydrates are vital to our health for a number of reasons.

These are found in the next section.

What carbohydrates do

Provide energy – Carbohydrates are the body’s main fuel source. During digestion, sugars and starches are broken down into simple sugars. They’re then absorbed into the bloodstream, where they are known as blood sugar (blood glucose). From there, glucose enters the body’s cells with the help of insulin. Glucose is used by the body for energy, and fuels all the activities — whether it’s going for a jog or simply breathing. Extra glucose is stored in the liver, muscles and other cells for later use, or is converted to fat.

Protects against disease – Some evidence suggests that whole grains and dietary fiber from whole foods help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Fiber may also protect against obesity and type 2 diabetes. Fiber is also essential for optimal digestive health.

Controls weight – Evidence shows that eating plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains can help you control the weight. Their bulk and fiber content aids weight control by helping you feel full on fewer calories. Contrary to what low-carb diets claim, very few studies show that a diet rich in healthy carbohydrates leads to weight gain or obesity. The key word is healthy. More on this in the next section.

The fact is, Carbohydrates are an essential part of a healthy diet, and provide many important nutrients. Still, not all carbs are created equal.

Let’s look at how to make healthy carbohydrates work in a balanced diet:

  • Limit added sugars. This is a big one. Added sugar probably isn’t harmful in small amounts. But there’s no health advantage to consuming any amount of added sugar. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that less than 10 percent of calories you consume every day come from added sugar. Therefore, we have to stay clear of highly sweetened drinks and any item that contains high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient (which is in a lot of products these days). Large quantities of added sugar should be avoided at all costs.
  • Emphasize fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Select whole fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables without added sugar. Other options are fruit juices and dried fruits, which are concentrated sources of natural sugar and therefore have more calories. Whole fruits and vegetables also add fiber, water and bulk, which help to feel fuller on fewer calories.
  • Choose whole grains.
    Whole grains are better sources than refined grains of fiber and other important nutrients, such as B vitamins. Refined grains go through a process that strips out parts of the grain — along with some of the nutrients and fiber (i.e. white flour, white rice).The Facts about Carbohydrates


  • Stick to low-fat dairy products. Milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are good sources of calcium and protein, plus many other vitamins and minerals. Consider the low-fat versions, to help limit calories and saturated fat. And beware of dairy products that have added sugar.
  • Eat more legumes.
    Legumes — which include beans, peas and lentils — are among the most versatile and nutritious foods available. They are typically low in fat and high in folate, potassium, iron and magnesium, and they contain beneficial fats and fiber. Legumes are a good source of protein and can be a healthy substitute for meat, which has more saturated fat and cholesterol.

So we must choose our carbohydrates wisely. Limit foods with added sugars and refined grains, such as sugary drinks, desserts and candy, which are packed with calories but low in nutrition. Instead, it’s best to go for fruits, vegetables and whole grains [fiber].

Carbohydrates and weight

A common question regarding carbs today is: does eating carbohydrates initiate weight gain or make it challenging losing weight? Well that depends. Eating too many calories from any type of food will cause weight gain. It goes back to fiber. Foods with low fiber content often contain a lot of calories without any nutrients. They are metabolized into glucose very quickly. This sudden spike in the blood glucose level triggers the pancreas to produce more insulin, a hormone that promotes fat storage. This means it is easy to gain weight by eating too many of these types of foods.

Foods with high fiber content are metabolized more slowly without causing a big insulin rush. The body can use them as energy over several hours. In general, foods with high fiber content are higher in vitamins and minerals so they are healthier foods to eat.

Another common question regarding carbs is: is it possible to eat a healthy diet without eating carbohydrates at all? Weight loss is the most common reason why people decide to go on low carb diets. Experts in diet and nutrition agree that a low carb diet can be a good way to jump start weight loss, but it is hard to follow for a long time. Another caution is that many low carb diets include large amounts of unhealthy oils. Low carb diets that are high in animal fat may actually increase the risk of heart disease. And the long term effects of very low carb or no-carb diets are not known. A diet that includes a moderate amount of healthy carbohydrates like whole grain products, fruits and vegetables is the best diet for long-term weight management and health. It is also the easiest kind of diet to follow.

So again— we must choose our carbohydrates wisely but not avoid them altogether. Our bodies need carbs so let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.

As I like to say: all things in moderation!

Please feel free to leave any comment or question below.

Good health!




All About the Prostate

Ever wondered exactly what the prostate is all about? Where it’s located or what it does? Maybe you know about it but have more questions? The intent of this article is to inform you the reader, all about the prostate.

What is the prostate gland

Walnut – Approx size of a normal Prostate

It is a small gland that is part of the male reproductive system. It’s believed to be about the shape and size of a walnut.

It rests below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It surrounds part of the urethra, the tube in the penis that carries urine from the bladder.

What does a prostate gland do

The prostate helps produce some of the fluid in semen, which carries sperm
from the testicles when ejaculation takes place.

Facts about the prostate

As men age, the prostate can become larger. It’s a standard part of aging for many men.

Diagram of the Prostate

By the time a man reaches the age of 40, the prostate might have gone from the size of a walnut to the size of an apricot. By the time he reaches 60, it might be the size of a lemon.

Because it surrounds a part of the urethra canal , the enlarged prostate can squeeze that tube. This causes problems when attempting to urinate. Typically, these problems don’t occur until age 50 or older, but they can start earlier.

You might hear a doctor or nurse refer to this condition as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH for short. It is not cancerous. More on this coming in the next section below.

Diseases of the prostate gland

BPH – is an enlarged prostate. BPH is common condition and it is unlikely that a male over 50 can prevent it. Age and a family history of BPH are two things that increase the chances one might get it.

A few stats that shed light on this likely hood:

  • Some 8 out of every 10 men will eventually develop an enlarged prostate.
  • About 30% of men will find their symptoms troublesome.
  • About 90% of men over the age of 85 will have for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Estrogen has also been associated to prostate enlargement. As men age, less testosterone is found in the blood stream creating a larger percentage of estrogen. High levels of estrogen have been documented as an indicator for this condition as well.


If one has trouble starting to urinate or have to urinate a frequently, especially at night, these could be signals that one has an enlarged prostate. Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Feeling the need to urinate suddenly out of the blue with no sensation of build-up
  • The need to strain to get any urine flow to commence
  • Urination may stop and start several times
  • The bladder doesn’t empty completely after urination

It’s important to see a doctor upon discovery of the early symptoms of BPH. Although uncommon, it can lead to serious health consequences such as kidney or bladder damage.

A larger prostate doesn’t mean you’ll have additional or worse symptoms. It tends to be different for each person. In fact, some men with extremely giant prostates have few, if any, issues. But in any case, a physician should be alerted either way.

How a physician handles this condition depends on the details of the case – the age of the patient, how much trouble it is causing, and more. Treatments may include:

Observant waiting – If a patient has an enlarged prostate but are not bothered by symptoms, he may be advised merely to get an annual checkup, which might include a variety of tests.

Lifestyle changes – This includes cutting back on how much fluid intake at night and before bedtime, especially drinks with alcohol or caffeine.

Medicine – Common treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) are alpha-blockers, that lessen benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms, and what’s referred to as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, or 5-ARIs, that aid with shrinking the prostate. Many men may take them together.

The FDA now requires labels on the 5-ARIs to include a warning that they may be linked to an increased chance of a serious form of prostate cancer. These medications are dustasteride (Avodart) and finasteride (Propecia and Proscar). The combination pill Jalyn conjointly contains dutasteride together of its ingredients.

Surgery – Men with severe symptoms who haven’t been helped by other treatments may have to turn to surgery. This requires a consultation with a physician about possible risks and outcomes.


This is infection or inflammation of the prostate; it’s not the equivalent of BPH, though some of the symptoms are similar.

It may have an effect on men from their late teens well into adulthood. Symptoms include:

  • Chills and fever
  • Sexual problems
  • Trouble passing urine

Treatment usually includes antibiotics.

If one has recently had a catheter or other medical instrument put into the urethra, there is a higher chance of getting bacterial prostatitis. Some sexually transmitted diseases, such as; Chlamydia may also cause ongoing infection and inflammation.

Preventive Prostate Care

As a preventative measure, a doctor can use a variety of tests to check on the condition of the prostate. A few of them include:

Digital rectal exam The doctor puts on a glove and gently inserts one finger into the rectum to check the size and shape of the prostate. The exam checks for things such as size, firmness, and any lumps.

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test – This blood test checks the amount of a protein called PSA that is produced by prostate cells. Higher levels may be a sign of cancer. By themselves, they are not proof that an individual has prostate cancer.

Higher levels may conjointly incline to an enlarged prostate, inflammation or prostatitis. But, levels may be low even with men who have prostate cancer, so the results must be discussed with a physician.

Prostate biopsy Men with high protein (PSA) results or alternative symptoms of cancer might have a tissue sample taken of their prostate to conclude whether or not cancer is existing.

Cancer screening – Screening for prostate cancer is debatable. Different kinds of advice and guidance are available from various sources. It is best to talk to a physician about what is the best option. This discussion should take place:

  • At age 40 for men who have more than a nuclear family (father, brother, or son) diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age.
  • At 45 for men with a higher chance for the condition: this includes African-Americans and men who have a father, brother, or son who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer at 65 or younger.
  • At age 50 for men with an usual chance for prostate malignancy.

Note: Routine PSA screening is not recommended for men older than 70.

Diet There are foods that are bad for the prostate.

What foods are bad for the prostate?

  • red and processed meat
  • saturated fat
  • high-fat dairy
  • alcohol

We’ll look at these individually.

Red MeatA diet high in meat, particularly if it’s cooked well-done, may be associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. This may be due to heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These are carcinogens (a substance or agent that can cause cancer) found in cooked meat. HCAs have been linked to the development of several cancers.

HCAs are compounds shaped throughout hot temperature cooking like broiling or grilling. The World Health Organization Trusted Source suggests that both red and processed meats may be associated with increased risk of developing prostate cancer. Examples include:

  • beef
  • pork
  • sausage
  • hot dogs
  • lunch meats

This is depressing!

Instead of red or processed meats, these protein sources make healthier choices for the prostate and overall health:

  • lean poultry, like skinless turkey or chicken
  • beans and legumes, like split peas, chickpeas, lentils, pinto beans, and kidney beans fresh or canned fish, such as tuna, salmon, or sardines
  • nuts and nut butters

For someone who isn’t a fan of cold cut sandwiches, one might try making a chicken salad sandwich instead. Also, perhaps experiment with meat alternatives, like tofu or tempeh, which can be marinated and sautéed to create a flavorful sandwich filling.

One might also experiment with eating meat-free for some meals or days of the week. Here are some ideas to try:

  • Grill up fish fillets instead of steaks.
  • Replace the meat in the favorite chili or stew with beans.
  • Dice up tofu and marinate it in the favorite sauce, then stir-fry it and mix it with veggies and a side of rice.
  • Make a black bean burger instead of a hamburger.

Dairy Consuming large amounts of dairy products may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer. According to analysis printed within the Journal of Nutrition, drinking whole milk may increase the risk of progression to fatal prostate cancer. Skim and low-fat milks also increase the risk of low-grade stages of the disease. It’s best to try to limit dairy consumption. At the very least, one should stick to fat-free and low-fat varieties, as they can be healthier for the prostate.

Therefore, aim to eat less of these foods:

  • whole milk
  • full fat ice cream
  • full fat cheeses
  • full fat cream cheese
  • full fat butter
  • full fat yogurts

Instead, try eating low-fat or nonfat versions of the favorite dairy products. You may also try alternatives to dairy products. For example, you may find the following non-dairy options for milk at the grocery store.

  • Almond milk
  • coconut milk
  • flax milk
  • soy milk
  • cashew milk
  • rice milk
  • hemp milk

Each of these non-dairy milks has a unique flavor, so if one type isn’t satisfactory, simply try another type. Be watchful of added sugars to these milks however, as many are sweetened (e.g. I use unsweetened almond milk). There are also non-dairy ice creams that use these milks as a base.

To learn more about alternative milks, click here.

Alcohol (watch the booze) Large amounts of alcohol consumption may put one at higher risk of developing prostate cancer. Researchers, utilizing information from over the thousand men taking part in the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, uncovered that serious heavy alcohol drinkers were doubly as probable to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer as moderate drinkers. Heavy drinkers are defined as those who consume more than three drinks a day or more than 20 drinks in a week.

For men, the recommendation for drinks per day is no more than two.

A single drink is equal to:

  • 1.5 ounces of a hard liquor (40 percent alcohol)
  • 5 ounces of wine (12 percent alcohol)
  • 12 ounces of standard beer (five percent alcohol)

There are several alternative drinks to consider instead alcohol. These include:

  • non-alcoholic beers or wines
  • sparkling water or water mixed with fresh fruit juice
  • tea or coffee
  • sparkling juices

One can also try making an alcoholic-free version of the favorite cocktail. For example, a virgin pina colada.

Saturated fatsSaturated fats have been linked to heart disease, but their association with prostate cancer is still uncertain. Some studies Trusted Source have found a link between saturated fat intake and risk for advanced prostate cancer, but not all studies have confirmed these findings. While more studies are needed, reducing the intake of saturated fats may benefit the prostate and one’s overall health, since it creates more room for fiber and nutrient-dense plants.

Saturated fats are found in:

  • processed foods
  • baked goods
  • meat
  • salad dressings
  • dairy products

One might attempt replacing some of the saturated fats in the diet with healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in such foods as:

  • fish
  • nuts
  • avocado
  • seeds
  • olive oil


In my article, Dietary Supplements: The Facts,I discuss in detail the benefits of dietary supplements to provide us with the beneficial nutrients we need for our bodies.  This includes the prostate gland.

It can be difficult to not consume the above foods, so my rule of thumb is unless you have a condition that prohibits the consumption of a certain food, consume all things in moderation. It’s the excess consumption that can get us into so much trouble.

Medix select, a premier natural supplement company has an excellent product called Prostate Revive to aid with prostate issues. If you wish to sees a review of this product you may do so by clicking here.

Please note that changing one’s diet may help reduce the cancer risk, but it’s a good idea to consult a physician before making any dietary changes or taking supplements if you are on treatments or medications for other conditions. Some foods and supplements may interact with certain drugs and therapies.

Further Tips for prostate health

There are several other lifestyle changes that may help keep the prostate healthy. One might try making these changes to his routine:

  • Fill the plate with fruits and vegetables. Also, choose whole grains or legumes on the side.
  • Move the body most days of the week. Getting in consistent exercise is not only good for overall health, it may also improve mood. One does not need a gym membership either. A brisk walk around the neighborhood a short hike will suffice. If one hasn’t exercised much in the past, a physician may suggest a good routine that can be followed to get started.
  • Keep the body at a healthy weight. A doctor may even refer suggest a dietitian for someone who needs some extra help creating a weight loss plan.
  • Make an appointment with a physician to discuss cancer risks and to have a prostate exam. Recommendations for screening vary, but it’s generally a good idea to get checked when in the fifties or if there is an elevated risk of developing cancer.

Please feel free to leave any questions comments or concerns below.

Good health!





The Important Digestive System

In my article post,
I promised to cover all the systems of the body in the future. I’m going to follow through on that promise by continuing with the important digestive system. All the systems are extremely important and they depend on each other to accomplish the goal of optimum performance of the body.

The important digestive system is referenced that way because it is responsible for all the systems in the body.

What is the digestive system

The digestive system is a sort of distribution plant inside the body. It takes in food and moves it through organs and structures where the processing (digestion) happens. The fuels and nutrients needed are extracted, and the digestive system discards the rest. This takes approximately 75 hours (3 days) for the complete process.  So there are several meals being processed by this plant simultaneously but at different stations of the process.

Why is digestion important

For starters, what is digestion? It is the process by which food is changed to simpler form after it is consumed. Why is digestion so important? Digestion is important for breaking down food into nutrients, which the body uses for energy, growth, and cell function and repair. Food and drink should be converted into smaller molecules of nutrients before the blood can absorb them and carry them to cells throughout the body.

Without digestion and the digestive system, there would be no ability to get the nutrients in food to the necessary cells, and we would die.

Functions of the digestive system

To accomplish the goal of providing energy and nutrients to the body, the major functions that take place in the digestive system are:

  • Ingestion
  • Secretion
  • Mixing and movement
  • Digestion
  • Absorption
  • Excretion

Descriptions of each function are below.

Ingestion – The first function of the digestive system is ingestion, which is the intake of food. The mouth is responsible for this function, as it is the oral cavity through which all food enters the body. The mouth and abdomen also are liable for the storage of food because it is waiting to be processed. This storage capacity allows for food consumption only a few times each day and the ability to ingest more food than can processed at one time.

Secretion – within the course of each day, the gastrointestinal system secretes around 7 liters of fluids. These fluids embody spittle, mucus, acid (hydrochloric), enzymes, and bile. Saliva moistens dry food and contains salivary amylase, a digestive enzyme that begins the digestion of carbs. Mucus serves as a protective barrier and lubricant inside of the GI tract (the canal through which food travels). Hydrochloric acid helps to digest food with chemicals and protects the body by killing bacterium currently present in our food. Enzymes are like small organic chemistry machines that dismantle massive macromolecules like proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids into their smaller components. Finally, a digestive juice named bile is employed to emulsify massive lots of lipids into small globules for simple digestion.

Mixing and Movement

The gastrointestinal digestive system uses 3 main processes to maneuver and blend food:

  • Swallowing. Swallowing is the method of exploitation using sleek and skeletal muscles within the mouth, tongue, and pharynx to push food out of the mouth, through the pharynx, and into the esophagus.
  • Peristalsis. Peristalsis is a muscular wave that travels the length of the digestive tract, moving partially digested food a short distance down the tract. It takes many waves of peristalsis (muscle contractions) for food to travel from the esophagus, through the stomach and intestines, and reach the end of the GI tract.
  • Segmentation. Segmentation occurs only in the small intestine as short segments of intestine contract like fingers squeezing a toothpaste tube. Segmentation helps to extend the absorption of nutrients by compounding food and increasing its contact with the walls of the gut.

Digestion – Digestion is the method of turning massive items of food into its element chemicals. Mechanical digestion is the physical breakdown of huge items of food into smaller items. This mode of digestion begins with the grinding of food by the teeth and is sustained through the muscular blending of food by the abdomen and intestines. Bile produced by the liver is also used to mechanically break fats into smaller semi-liquid objects. While food is being mechanically complete as digested, it is also being chemically digested as larger and more complex molecules are being broken down into smaller molecules that are easier to absorb.

Chemical digestion begins in the mouth with salivary enzymes in saliva splitting complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates. The enzymes and acid within the abdomen continue chemical digestion, but the bulk of chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine thanks to the action of the pancreas. The pancreas secretes an extremely robust digestive cocktail known as pancreatic juice, which is capable of breaking down lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids. By the time food has left the duodenum, the early part or beginning of the small intestine, it has been reduced to its chemical building blocks—fatty acids, amino acids, monosaccharides, and nucleotides.

Absorption – Once food has been reduced to its building blocks, it is ready for the body to absorb. Absorption begins within the abdomen with easy molecules like water and alcohol being absorbed directly into the blood. However, most absorption takes place within the walls of the gut, which are densely folded to maximize the surface area in contact with digested food. Small blood and lymphatic vessels containing a liquid body substance within the intestinal wall obtain the molecules and carry them to the remainder of the body. The large intestine is also involved in the absorption of water and vitamins B and K before the solid waste leaves the body.

*Excretion – The ultimate role of the digestive system is the excretion of waste in a method called elimination or defecation. Defecation removes undigested substances from the body in order that they do not accumulate within the gut. The timing of elimination is controlled voluntarily by the cognizant part of the brain; however it must be accomplished on a regular preferable daily basis to steer clear of a backup of indigestible materials.

Organs of the digestive system

The following organs work together to help our bodies process the foods we eat.

  • Mouth

    Digestive System
    The Digestive System
  • Pharynx of the mouth
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Small Intestine
  • Liver and Gallbladder
  • Pancreas
  • Large Intestine

Mouth – Food begins its journey through the gastrointestinal system within the mouth, also known as the oral cavity. Our teeth grind the food we eat and mix it with saliva to form a kind of ball, known as a bolus.

During the blending, a catalyst known as salivary enzyme starts breaking down carbohydrates. Once the food is soft and relatively flexible, the tongue pushes it to the back of the mouth and swallows it down the pharynx.

Pharynx – The pharynx, also known as the throat, is a funnel-shaped tube connected to the latter end of the mouth. It is a muscular tube that runs from the back of your nose down into your neck.

Esophagus – The esophagus is a flattened, muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. As food is swallowed, the esophagus expands. It takes food between one to eight seconds to pass through the esophagus, depending on the texture of the food.

Stomach – The stomach or abdomen is a muscular pouch that is J-shaped, which receives food from the esophagus and sends it to the small intestine. Inside the stomach, food is churned around and mixed with enzymes and acid until it’s a liquid, called chyme. The abdomen is the main location for macromolecule (protein) digestion and uses powerful enzymes, known as pepsins, as well as hydrochloric acid to digest foods like meats, milk, and cheese.

Small Intestine – The small intestine is a long muscular tube that is approximately an incredible 24-feet, that is divided into three distinct parts: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum (say those three rapid times). Each of the three (3) elements is a major location of digestion and absorption. Absorption ,is known to be a crucial part of the gastrointestinal system that brings the molecules from the processed food into the blood and, ultimately, the cells.

Liver – The liver has many functions. First, it produces the digestive fluid bile, which the small intestine uses to help digest the fats in food. It also metabolizes proteins, carbohydrates, and fats; helps regulate blood-sugar levels; stores glycogen for quick energy; makes fibrinogen, which clots blood; makes vitamin A; and recycles worn-out red blood cells.

Gall Bladder – Tucked under the liver, the gallbladder is a storage container for bile, a yellow-green fluid made up of salts, cholesterol, and lecithin. The small bowel (intestine) uses gallbladder-produced digestive juice (bile) to digest fats.

Large Intestine – The last part of the digestive tract, the large intestine, is a muscular tube that is about 5 feet long. It’s divided into the cecum, colon, and rectum. Together, these segments fasten up the loose ends of digestion. This includes completing any nutrient absorption and processing the wastes into feces. The large intestines also make some types of vitamin B and vitamin K.

Diseases of the Digestive System

Many diseases and health conditions – such as ulcers, GERD, IBD and celiac disease, just to name a few – lead to dysfunction in the digestive system. The host of diseases are too numerous for this article. For a detailed list and description of digestive diseases, click this link.


However, as I like to say: prevention is better than cure! One way to insure digestive health is with a proper diet and a proper dietary supplement regime. Part of that regime should include a probiotic supplement. In my article/post:
full detail is given on probiotics; their descriptions and advantages.

Amazon offers a huge selection of probiotic products as well as other nutritional items. Simply click here (affiliate Link)to take a peak.

To help prevent digestive diseases, let’s look at some doctor recommended preventative tips:

  • Get plenty of fluids to keep system flushed. Good sources include water, broth, and soups.
  • Eat a variety of foods that contain dietary fiber. The recommended amount is 25-30 grams per day. Fresh fruits and vegetables aid in digestive health.
  • Chew food thoroughly, and don’t overeat.
  • Limit your intake of fats and alcohol.
  • Avoid raw shellfish if you’re not sure the source is a safe one.
  • Exercise daily
  • Get proper rest
  • Wear clothes that fit properly; clothes that are tight on the abdomen can cause stomach problems.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer before preparing food and eating.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, changing diapers, handling garbage, handling raw meat, and handling pets or their waste.

Some digestive diseases cannot be prevented, such as Crohn’s disease. Remember these are preventative tips. If the onset of a digestion problem commences despite these tips, and your digestive problems persist, please consult your doctor promptly.

Please feel free to leave a comment, question or concern below.


Good health!





The Current Health Problems in America

Gaining a meaningful understanding of America’s overall health and well-being is the first step toward improving it.  Prevention is better than cure and it is important to know what the health concerns are in order to take action to prevent them.  It pays to know your enemies well in order to defeat them.  Therefore, this article’s purpose is the shed light on the current health problems in America.

The Symbol of Healing

What are the current health problems in America

There are 10 health conditions that have a great effect on Americans.  Starting with the least effect:

The Symbol of Healing

Crohn’s Disease/Ulcerative Colitis – This chronic disease causes inflammation in the digestive tract. According to the National Institutes of Health, “Crohn’s affects your gut and the opening of your intestine. However, the illness will have an effect on any part of your gastrointestinal tract.” This disease can lead to ulcers, abscesses, fistulas, malnutrition and more. In addition to being painful and debilitating, the condition can lead to life-threatening complications.  National Health Effect 2.7%

Psychotic Disorders – People with psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia and delusional disorder, often have trouble maintaining a sense of reality. These disorders can have a significant detrimental effect on a patient’s quality of life.

National Health Effect t 2.9%

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) – A chronic inflammatory lung disease, COPD causes airflow from the lungs to be obstructed. The primary cause of COPD is cigarette smoking.

National Health Effect 3.3%

Excessive Alcohol Use Disorder – The National Institutes of Health define alcohol use disorder as a chronic relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive alcohol use, loss of control over alcohol intake, and a negative emotional state when not consuming.  Very high blood alcohol levels may result in coma or death, and withdrawal from alcohol can cause hallucinations or even seizures.

National Health Effect 3.3%

Substance Abuse Disorder – Also known as a drug use disorder, a substance use disorder involves an overuse of, or dependence on, a medication or toxin. Addiction will cause serious mental and physical injury, overdose and even death.

National Health Effect 3.4%

Type 2 Diabetes – In people with diabetes, blood sugar levels rise higher than normal. Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, is generally caused by obesity and lack of physical activity in about 90% of cases in the U.S.

National Health Effect 5.5%.

Coronary Artery Disease – High blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and diabetes can all damage or injure the inner layer of the arteries. Over time, the damage can worsen and become coronary artery disease, putting you at much higher risk of heart attack.

National Health Effect 7%

Elevated/High Cholesterol – When levels of cholesterol are too high, fatty deposits can begin to build up in blood vessels and arteries, restricting blood flow. High cholesterol can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.  It can be hereditary or from the result of unhealthy diet and lifestyle choices,

National Health Effect 8.6%

Chronic Depression – is a mental illness characterized by a constant sense of hopelessness and despair, making it difficult to work, sleep or eat. The condition which frequently goes undiagnosed or untreated, affects adults, teens and even children.

National Health Effect 9%

Hypertension – This disease has the highest effect on the nation’s overall health and well-being.  Hypertension occurs when the force against the artery walls is too high, which can cause heart attack or stroke.   It is often related to advanced age, obesity, smoking and stress.  More commonly known as high blood pressure, hypertension is “a common disease in which blood flows through blood vessels, or arteries, at higher than normal pressures,” according to the National Institutes of Health. Hypertension is additionally called the silent killer as a result of it having no early vital symptoms however; it creates an additional load on the heart and blood vessels.

National Health Effect 12.5%.

Concerning the elderly

Senior patient consulting with her doctor

The conditions mentioned thus far affect the general population in the US.  However, in addition to these conditions, there are specific conditions that affect the elderly.  Some of these are repetitive but can affect the elderly differently.

Successful Aging

Successful aging is defined as maximizing your potential and minimizing the negative effects of getting older (i.e. the weakening of mental and physical abilities).

Senior patient consulting with her doctor

Genetics is for certain one key to successful aging. If one’s parents and grandparents have lived long and healthy lives, the odds are one can expect the same.  But, there’s a lot more to aging successfully than solely genetics. Eating right and physical exercise, making sure you get regular check-ups and screenings, and focusing on preventive care are very important to how well one ages.

Again, prevention is better than cure.  As I mentioned and it is important to know what the health concerns are in order to take action to prevent them. Even if you’re not elderly, it pays to know your enemies well in order to head them off.  You can also pass this information to an elderly relative or friend.

Physical Activity and Nutrition – Research and analysis indicates that staying physically active will faciliate prevention or delay certain diseases, including some cancers, heart disease and diabetes, and also relieve depression and improve mood. Limited physical often accompanies advancing age, but it doesn’t have to. Check with your local churches or synagogues, senior centers for exercise and walking programs. Like exercise, eating habits are often not good if one lives and eats alone. It’s important for victorious aging to eat foods plentiful in nutrients and avoid the empty calories in candy and sweets.

Excessive weight and Obesity – Being overweight or obese increases the chances of dying from  a host of illnesses.  hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, gallbladder illness, arthritis, sleep disorder, breathing  issues, dyslipidemia and mucus membrane, breast, prostate, and colon cancers. In my article contains detailed information on obesity.

*Substance Abuse – Substance abuse usually applies to drugs and alcohol. These are two areas that aren’t often associate with seniors, but seniors, like younger people, may self-medicate using legal and illegal drugs as well as alcohol, which can lead to serious health consequences. In addition, seniors may purposely or unwittingly mix their medications and use alcohol. Because of the stereotypes regarding senior citizens, many medical people fail to ask seniors about possible substance abuse.

Tobacco – There isn’t too much to say about this one except, tobacco is the single greatest preventable cause of illness and premature death in the U.S.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that smokers who attempt to quit are a lot more victorious once they have the support of their doctor.

HIV/AIDS – This one shocks the average citizen.  However, believe it or not, between 11 and 15% of U.S. AIDS cases occur in seniors over age 50. Between 1991 and 1996, AIDS in adults over 50 rose more than twice as fast as in younger adults. Why?  Seniors are unlikely to use condoms, have immune systems that naturally weaken with age, and HIV symptoms (i.e. fatigue, weight loss, dementia, skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes) are similar to symptoms that can accompany advanced age. Again, stereotypes concerning aging in terms of sexual issues and drug use keep this dilemma largely unrecognized. That’s why seniors aren’t well recognized in analysis, clinical drug trials, prevention programs and efforts at intervention.  Needless to say, this needs to change.

Mental Health – Dementia is not part of aging exclusively.  Dementia can also be caused by illness, reactions to medications, vision and hearing problems, infections, nutritional imbalances, diabetes, and renal failure. There are several varieties of dementedness (including Alzheimer’s Disease) and a few maybe temporary. With accurate diagnosis, management and help are necessary. The most common late-in-life mental state condition is depression. If left untreated, depression within the aged could result in suicide. Here’s a shocking fact: The percentage of suicide is higher for senior white men than for all other age groups, including adolescents.

Injury and violence – Among seniors, falls are the principal cause of impairment, hospital admissions for injuries, and deaths due to those injuries. One in each three (3) seniors (age sixty-five and older) do fall annually. Strategies to scale back injury embody exercises to boost balance and strength and medicine review. Preventing injuries can help reduce the occurrence of injury. Home security is necessary to prevent intrusion. Home-based fire deterrent devices ought to be in place and simple to use. People aged sixty-five and older are doubly as probably to die during a home fire as the general population.

Immunization – the flu and respiratory illness, mainly pneumonia, and are among the highest 10 causes of death for older adults. Emphasis on Influenza vaccination for seniors has helped. Pneumonia remains one amongst the foremost serious infections, especially among women and the very old.

Because nearly forty percent (40%) of all deaths in America are often attributed to smoking, poor exercise habits, inadequate diet, and alcohol misuse, it’s pretty easy to see how we can add years to our lives. Don’t smoke, exercise, eat healthy food and moderate or eliminate any alcohol consumption. Clearly, healthy behavior decisions are one prescription for victorious aging.

The purpose of this article is to bring awareness of the broad picture of health concerns for the general population and seniors alike and encourage a sense of prevention.  Proper diet, exercise, and rest all play a part in prevention.

Also, important are the preventative health products we use to supplement the preventative measures.  If you need to begin a supplement regime or need additional supplements to your existing one, Amazon has a great selection to offer from organic foods to organic supplements and the like, there’s something for everyone. Simply click here to take a look.

Please feel free to leave any question or comment you may have below.

Good health!





The Dangers of Inflammation

Inflammation is a very important part of the immune system’s response to injury and infection. It is the body’s means of triggering the system to heal and repair injured tissue, additionally to defend itself against foreign invaders, like viruses and microorganisms such as bacteria. Without inflammation as a defensive response, wounds would degenerate, and infections could become deadly. This is what I was taught in school about inflammation. However today we know a lot more about inflammation; that it can be the catalyst for some major health issues. Today we know about the dangers of inflammation.

What is inflammation and what causes it

Inflammation is a method where the body’s white blood cells and substances they manufacture shield us from infection from injuries and with foreign organisms, like microorganisms and viruses.

When inflammation occurs as the result of an injury, chemicals from the body’s white blood cells are released into the blood or affected tissues to protect the body from foreign substances. This discharge of chemicals will increase the blood flow to the locality of injury or infection, and should end in in redness and heat. Some of the chemicals cause a leak of fluid (known as pus) into the tissues, resulting in swelling. This protecting method could stimulate nerves and cause pain.

When inflammation occurs as the result of bacteria or viruses, the white blood cell is attracted to the bacteria because proteins called antibodies
have marked the bacteria for destruction. These antibodies are explicitly for disease-causing microorganisms and viruses. When the white blood cells catches the microorganisms, they  proceed “eating” it during a method known as phagocytosis.  For a video demonstration of this process, click this link.

What are the symptoms of inflammation

Symptoms of inflammation include flu-like symptoms such as: headaches, fever, chills, loss of appetite, fatigue/loss of energy, muscle stiffness.

If it involves a joint: redness, Joint pain, swollen joint that can be warm to the touch, Joint stiffness, loss of joint function.

Keep in mind that all of these usually don’t occur at the same time. It can be one or a combination of several.

If it involves a pathogen (a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease), the inflammation mainly makes the body temperature rise so the pathogens are not able to replicate themselves.

Something to think about – Our bodies are constantly covered (inside and out) by bacteria. Some are good for us, others are harmless and still others can make us sick. I cover good and bad bacteria in my article: For example, Staphylococcus aureus, (the most dangerous of all the many common staphylococcal bacteria) is frequently found on our skin and respiratory tract. It does not continually cause illness, but can infect the skin or lungs. There are more bacteria in and on our bodies than there are people on the Earth. Our defense system has it work cut out for it!

The dangers of inflammation

In a healthy scenairo, inflammation serves as a good friend to our body. But if immune cells start to overreact, inflammation can be totally directed against us. As I like to say: too much of a good thing is a bad thing. This is what is called chronic inflammation. This type of harmful, inflammation can have a number of causes, including a virus or bacteria, an autoimmune disorder, sugary and fatty foods, or the way you handle stress.

Just to clarify, an autoimmune disorder or disease is a condition in which our immune system mistakenly attacks our body. In such a case, the immune system mistakes part of the body, like our joints or skin, as foreign. The military and law enforcement agencies would call this “friendly fire.” This is when a soldier or police officer is stuck by a bullet shot by one of their own members.

Here are a few ways chronic inflammation can affect our health, both in the long and short run.

It can play havoc on our gut

Many of the body’s immune cells cluster in the neighborhood of the intestines. Most of the time, those immune cells ignore the trillions of healthy bacteria that live in the gut. But in some cases, that tolerance seems to be broken and the immune cells begin to react to the bacteria, creating this chronic inflammation situation.

The immune cells can attack the digestive tract itself, an autoimmune condition known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. The symptoms embody frequent and excessive discharging of the bowels (diarrhea), cramps, ulcers, and may even require surgical removal of the intestines. Doctors are not specifically certain why some individuals get IBD, but genetics, environment, antibiotics, diet, and stress management all seem to play a role. This can be a serious situation.

It can damage your joints

When inflammation happens within the joints, it’s can cause serious damage. One joint-damaging condition is rheumatism inflammatory arthritis (RA)—another example of an autoimmune disorder that seems to possess a genetic segment, but is additionally coupled to smoking, a lack of vitamin D, and other risk factors. A 2013 Yale University study, for example, found that a salty diet may contribute to the development of RA.

People with RA live through pain and stiffness in their inflamed joints. But as a result of the immune response is not restricted to the joints, they’re also at higher risk for problems with their eyes and other body parts.

Psoriatic arthritis additionally involves inflammation within the joints, and its symptoms are similar to those of RA. But additionally to painful, stiff joints, people with this condition might also encounter changes within the nails, like roughness. Most people with psoriatic arthritis first develop psoriasis, another autoimmune condition, on their skin. Around 30% of people with psoriasis are thought to develop psoriatic arthritis, and they may be more likely to do so if their skin psoriasis affects their nails.

It can cause heart disease

Any area of your body that has been wounded or broken will trigger inflammation, even the insides of blood vessels. The formation of fatty plaque within the arteries will trigger chronic inflammation. The fatty plaques attract white blood cells, grow larger, and might develop blood clots, which might cause a coronary heart attack.

Obesity and unhealthy consumption of food will increase inflammation within the body, but even otherwise healthy people who experience chronic inflammation because of an autoimmune disorder—such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or celiac disease—appear to have a stronger risk of cardiovascular disease, regardless of their weight or eating habits.

It will result in a higher risk of cancer

Chronic inflammation has been linked to cancers of the lung, esophagus, cervix, and digestive tract, among others. A 2014 Harvard University study found that highly overweight teenagers with high levels of inflammation had a sixty three percent (63%) increased risk of developing large intestine cancer throughout adulthood compared to their slimmer peers. The inflammation could also be because of extreme overweight , a chronic infection, a chemical irritant, or chronic condition; all have been linked to a higher cancer risk.

It can impair sleep

In a 2009 study from Case Western Reserve University, those that reported sleeping additional or fewer than average had higher levels of inflammation-related proteins in their blood than people who said they slept about 7.6 hours a night. This analysis solely established a correlation between the two (2) (and not a cause-and-effect), so the study authors say they can’t be sure whether inflammation triggers long and short sleep duration or whether sleep duration triggers inflammation. It’s also probable that a unique underlying issue, like chronic stress or disease, causes both. Shift work has additionally been found to extend inflammation within the body.

It can damage your lungs

When inflammation transpires in the lungs, it can cause fluid accumulation and narrowing of the airways, making it difficult to breathe. Infections, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (which includes pulmonary emphysema and chronic bronchitis) are altogether initiated by inflammation within the lungs.

Smoking, exposure to air pollution or household chemicals, being overweight, and even consumption of cured meats have been linked to lung inflammation.

It can make weight loss more difficult

Obesity is may be a major reason behind inflammation within the body, and losing weight is one among the foremost effective ways in which to fight it. But that’s not always easy, because elevated levels of inflammation-related proteins can also make weight loss more difficult than it should be. For one, chronic inflammation can influence hunger signals and slow down metabolism, so one may eat more and burn fewer calories. Inflammation may increase insulin resistance (which raises your risk for diabetes) and has been coupled with future weight gain.

It can damage bones

Inflammation throughout the body will interfere with bone growth and even promote accumulated bone loss. Researchers suspect that inflammatory markers within the blood interrupt “remodeling”—an in progress method during which previous, blemished fragments of bone are replaced with new ones.

Inflammation of the digestive tract (as with inflammatory intestine  disease) are often particularly harmful to bone health, because it can prevent absorption of important bone-building nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D. Another disease of an inflammatory nature, rheumatoid arthritis, also can have implications as a result of how it limits people’s physical activity and might keep them from engaging in weight-bearing, bone-strengthening exercises.

It can affect your skin

The effects of inflammation aren’t just internal: They can also be reflected in the skin. Psoriasis, for instance, is an inflammatory condition that happens once the defense system causes skin cells to grow too quickly. A 2013 study published in JAMA Dermatology
suggested that losing weight may facilitate patients with psoriasis obtain relief, since obesity contributes to inflammation.

Chronic inflammation has conjointly been shown to contribute to quicker cell aging in animal studies, and a few experts believe it conjointly plays a part (along with UV exposure and other environmental effects) within the formation of wrinkles and visual signs of aging.

It’s linked with depression

Inflammation within the brain could also be coupled to depression, consistent with a 2015 study printed in JAMA Psychiatry; specifically, it should be accountble for depressive symptoms like low mood, lack of appetite, and poor sleep. Previous analysis has found that individuals with depression have higher levels of inflammation in their blood, as well.

It can even damage gums

Inflammation may also inflict mayhem on your mouth in the fashion of periodontal disease, a chronic inflammation of the gums caused by bacterium accumulation. This infection causes gums to recede and also the bone structure that surround the teeth become weakened or damaged. Brushing and flossing often stop periodontitis, and one 2010 Harvard University study found that consuming omega-3 fatty acids (such as fish or fish oil), anti-inflammatory foods may additionally assist.

Periodontal disease doesn’t just affect oral health, either. Studies show that inflammation of the gums is coupled to cardiovascular disease and congnitive issues also, since bacteria in the mouth may also trigger inflammation elsewhere in the body. Oral hygiene is important for the whole body.

How to prevent chronic inflammation

One can control — and even reverse — inflammation through a healthy, anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Someone with a case history of health issues, such as heart disease or colon cancer, should talk to their doctors about lifestyle changes that support preventing disease by reducing inflammation.

Follow the tips below for reducing inflammation in your body:

Fill up on anti-inflammatory foods

Your food selections are even as necessary as the medications and supplements you mightbe taking for overall health since they’ll shield against inflammation. An anti-inflammatory diet emphasizes foods that reduce inflammation. There are anti-inflammatory cookbooks available on Amazon that features anti-inflammatory recipes. To take a look click here.

Eat more fruits and vegetables and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Some of the best sources of omega-3s are cold water fish, such as salmon and tuna, and tofu, walnuts, flax seeds and soybeans.  Other anti-inflammatory foods embody grapes, celery, blueberries, garlic, olive oil, tea and some spices (ginger, rosemary and turmeric). More on turmeric in my article

The Mediterranean diet is an excellent example of an anti-inflammatory diet.  This is because of its concentration on fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains, and limits on unhealthy fats, such as red meat, butter and egg yolks as well as processed and refined sugars and carbs.

Cut back or eliminate inflammatory foods altogether

“An anti-inflammatory diet additionally limits foods that promote inflammation. Inflammatory foods consist of beef (red meat) and ingredients with trans fats, such as margarine, corn oil, deep-fried foods and most processed foods.

Control the blood sugar

Limit or avoid simple  and processed carbohydrates, such as white flour, white rice, refined sugar and anything with high fructose corn syrup.

One simple rule to follow is to avoid white foods, such as white bread, rice and pasta, as well as foods made with white sugar and flour. Build meals around lean proteins and whole foods high in fiber, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, such as brown rice and whole wheat bread. Check the labels and make certain that “whole wheat” or another whole grain is the initial ingredient.

Make time for exercise

Notice I said “make time.” With the busy schedules of today, who has time for exercise? Nobody! But we have to push room into the schedule somehow. It can be a matter of life or death in some cases.

Regular exercise is a superb means to prevent inflammation. Make time for 30 to 45 minutes of aerobic exercise and 10 to 25 minutes of weight or resistance training at least four to five times per week.

If overweight-lose it

People who are overweight have more inflammation. Losing weight may decrease inflammation.

If fat cells will contribute to chronic inflammation, then it’s reasonable to expect that weight gain, especially in the form of fat tissue, also contributes to chronic inflammation. As we put on weight, some fat cells expand beyond their capacity while trying to do their job storing our extra calories as fat. When this happens, they turn on and add to the inflammation already present in our bodies. At this time, these cells aren’t just fat storage warehouses—they’re like little inflammation factories, sending out signals to activate the immune system. Losing weight therefore allows the fat cells to shrink back to a more normal size and turns off the signals that trigger chronic inflammation.

A study showed that chronic inflammation is linked to weight gain. Researchers followed people over nine years and monitored things like their weight gain and blood levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a chemical that shows up when the immune system is activated.

They found one thing interesting: Weight increase was associated with additional inflammation, and the relationship was linear. This means that as a person’s weight increased, so did the level of CRP in their blood. This relationship between weight and inflammation suggests losing weight will help the cause.

Manage the stress

Cortisol, the so-called “stress” hormone, wears many other hats, including regulating the immune response. Reducing stress helps to keep hormones like cortisol under control and that, in turn, helps lower inflammation. More on cortisol in my article

Get the Proper amount of Sleep

Lack of sleep makes the body ripe for infection, whereas additional sleep has the alternative result. A review of several studies published in 2008 found that sleeping less than eight hours a night was linked to weight gain. There is a complex but harmonious dance occurring in our bodies during restful sleep; this strengthens our immune system in a good way. For more detail on the benefits of sleep, see my article

Inflammation is part of our body’s defense system that protects our bodies. But it can play havoc on our bodies if it malfunctions. But we can defend our defense system by taking preventative measures. After doing that, if any of the above symptoms commence, see your physician without delay.

Please feel free to leave a question, concern or comment below.


Good health!

Health Benefits of Red Tea

What is Red Tea

Also known as rooibos (pronounced ROY-boss), red tea comes from the shrub aspalathus linearis and is therefore an herb. The plant is cut by hand and allowed to oxidize giving it rich color and flavor. As it oxidizes, it becomes redder and sweeter. When it is harvested and dried, rooibos is brewed into a reddish-brown herbal infusion also known as African red tea and red bush tea.

So, is red tea better than green tea distinctive from green tea, red tea does Why is Red Tea better than green teanot contain caffeine, and therefore drinking the blend at night won’t leave you restless. Another amazing factor…taste! it’s delicious! It has a taste that is sweet and fruity with touches of vanilla and honey. It can be consumed the same way as with black or green tea with lemon, sweetener or plain. Green Tea is bitter which is attributed to its high tannin content, which is less prevalent in red tea.

Red Tea Benefits

Helps With Weight Loss

Tea has several advantages for the body, stress and energy levels, and even aids in the prevention of serious diseases. White, black and green tea are tested, talked about, and consumed for years on this basis, each with unique but valuable contributions to the body. Currently, red tea has been renowned as their equivalent, if not superior. And here’s why – red tea reduces fat cells. Because it low calorie and naturally sweet, red tea widens your choices of beverages to aid in your weight loss goals. This is with the help of the antioxidants and the balancing of blood sugar.

The health benefits of Red Rooibos Tea
Humm good!

Humm good!

Research has shown that Aspalathin, an active ingredient in rooibos tea, helps reduce the hormones that trigger hunger and fat storage, and is also linked to a host of diseases. This study also showed that rooibos tea can prevent obesity by affecting the balance of energy and how it is used as energy or stored as fat. Sipping the brew burns fat from stubborn trouble areas throughout the body, without an extreme diet or exercise plan. This a chance to enhance your health as well as your weight loss efforts.

Research has additionally shown that parts found within the Aspalathus plant, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, inhibit the formation of new fat cells by 22 percent. The tea considerably lowers dangerous fat found within the blood, such as triglyceride concentrations. Other blends like green tea, although rich in antioxidants, do not have the same impact on fat cells or weight loss.

Increases Antioxidant Levels in the Body

Red tea contains fifty percent additional antioxidants than green tea. Antioxidants remove the harmful free radicals that can damage cells and cause cancer, stemming cellular damage and inflammation.

According to research, drinking red tea significantly increases levels of the powerful antioxidant glutathione. With glutathione being the most powerful antioxidant, it protects against inflammation, toxins, free radicals, and pathogens. It is a natural detoxifier.

Aspalathin, found only in red tea, and nothofagin are two polyphenois (a type of antioxidant) that have been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory and cancer fighting powers.

Treats and Prevents Diabetes

Studies conducted on the effects’ of antioxidants Aspalathin and Nothofagin, contained in red tea, has shown that they lowered inflammation in the vascular system, namely the arteries and veins. People with diabetes tend to have chronic, high levels of inflammation that affect insulin’s function and contributes to the disease. Therefore, reducing inflammation may provide major benefits in the treatment of diabetes and it’s complications.

Increases Bone Health

Red tea contains a variety of polyphenols that has been shown to improve the activity that develops bones.

Orientin and luteolin, are flavonoids that were specifically studied on bone cells and showed an increased level of bone growth and mitochondrial activity. These flavonoids greatly improved the mineral content of the bone cells used in the study.

Improves Blood Pressure and Circulation

Inflammation plays a major role in contributing to heart disease. There is an enzyme named angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) that causes blood vessels to shrink, causing an increase in blood pressure. A study has shown that after one hour of consuming Red Tea, ACE levels went down, lowering the participants blood pressure.

Facilitates Digestion

In an animal study, results showed that red tea benefits the digestive system by reducing diarrhea, reducing muscle spasms in the stomach, and decreasing gastric secretions. With the existence of flavonoids such as Quercetin, Luteolin, as well as others are believed to be the reasons for the beneficial effects’ on the digestive system.

May Aid in the Prevention of Cancer

It is well-known that oxidative damage, generally associated with free radicals, causes cancer. Two flavonoids, Quercetin and Luteolin are found in red tea. They have been studied on pancreatic tumor cells, showing they suppress tumor growth and promote cancer cell death.

Keeps Hair and Skin Healthy

You don’t have to drink red tea for this one. Research shows that applying rooibos extract to hair significantly increased hair growth in a significant number of volunteers.

The extract is also recommended to use on the skin for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and soothing properties

Studies have shown that rooibos tea helped destroy cancer cells and keep them from spreading in test tubes in animal studies. More human testing is needed.

Boosts Good HDL Cholesterol
and Lowers Bad LDLThe Detox Weight Loss program

A study over a six-week period showed that drinking six cups of red tea daily significantly increased total polyphenol levels, which improved HDL good cholesterol, lowered bad LDL cholesterol as well as triglycerides, another lipid (fat) found in your blood.

Where to Buy Red Tea

Red tea is an exciting necessity, and one that has the potential to seamlessly entwine itself together with your life style. It has never been easier to cut fat cell growth and enjoy all the benefits of rooibos tea than with the Red Tea Detox Program. Many health products do not aim to bridge the gap between adults and young children, but the quest for good health is of equal importance to both demographics. Which is why a recipe that caters to all ages and tastes has been developed: The Red Tea Detox Program. It is fresh and matchless, already actively transforming lives since its launch. Watch for the inescapable results as they occur. Click the link to check it out and take advantage of an exciting offer.

Please fell free to leave a comment or question below.

Good Health!!



All About Obesity

Obesity has become a condition that is a worldwide health concern reaching epidemic portions. For example, take adult Obesity in the United States. Rates for adults currently exceed 35 percent in seven states, 30 percent in 29 states and 25 percent in 48 states. There are more than three million cases a year in the US. Believe it or not, some countries have even higher rates. In addition, obesity affects 1 in 6 children in the United States.

The purpose of this article is to provide information on obesity: the definition, the causes, the effects, and the treatments…in other words, all about obesity.

What is obesity

Obesity is a treatable disease that is associated with having an excess amount of body fat. It is caused by genetic and environmental factors and may be tough to manage through fasting and dieting alone. Obesity is diagnosed by a health care provider and is classed as having a body mass index (BMI) of thirty (30) or larger. Nearly 40 percent of Americans have obesity.

BMI measures weight related to height. It is a common way to measure body fat and is one of the tools healthcare providers use when talking about weight. Other factors, like  the comparison of waist-to-hip size (WHR), the comparison of waist-to-height ratio (WtHR), and the amount and distribution of fat on the body also play a part in shaping how healthy an individual’s weight and body form square up.

To find your BMI, please see the BMI calculator here.

What are the causes of obesity

Ingesting too many calories – When a person consumes more calories than they use as energy, their body will store the extra calories as fat. This can lead to excess weight and obesity.

Also, some kinds of foods are almost certainly to lead to weight gain, especially those that are high in fats and sugars.

Foods that tend to extend the danger of weight gain include:

  • fried foods, such as french fries
  • fatty and processed meats
  • fast foods
  • many dairy products
  • foods with added sugar, such as baked goods, ready-made breakfast cereals, and cookies – I was guilty of this one. The last of the cookie monsters!
  • foods that have hidden sugars, like ketchup and numerous other canned and packaged food items
  • processed foods, foods high in carbs, such as bread and bagels
  • sweetened juices, sodas, and alcoholic drinks

Some processed food products contain the sweetener high-fructose corn syrup, including savory items, such as ketchup. Eating too much of these foods and doing too little exercise can result in weight gain and result in obesity.

The choices are ours – We must be vigilant!

Something to note is a person who consumes a diet that consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and water is still at risk of gaining excess weight if they overeat. Also, genetic factors can increase their risk [detailed further down]. However, in most cases they are more likely to enjoy a varied diet while maintaining a healthy weight. Fresh foods and whole grains contain fiber that makes an individual feel full for longer and encourages healthy digestion.

Sedentary lifestyle Today’s generation lead a much more sedentary lifestyle than previous ones.

Examples of sedentary lifestyles include:

  • traveling by car instead of walking or cycling
  • playing games inside on a computer instead of engaging in physical activities outside
  • working in an office rather than doing physical labor

Fact is, the less a person moves around, the fewer calories they burn.

Also, physical activity affects how an individual’s hormones work, and hormones have an impact on how the body processes food. [A future post/article is coming on hormones]

Several studies have shown that physical activity will facilitate to maintain insulin levels stable and that unstable insulin levels might cause weight gain. Researchers have concluded that a lifestyle incorporating regular [physical activity] has been identified as a key factor for maintaining and improving many aspects of health, including insulin sensitivity.

Physical activity need not be training in the gym nor do you have to be a gym rat. Any physical work, walking or cycling, climbing stairs, and household tasks all contribute. However, the sort and intensity of activity might have an effect on the degree that benefit the body within the short- and long-term. There’s more detail on walking in my post

Not getting enough sleep Research has suggested that missing sleep increases the risk of gaining weight and developing obesity. The team advised that sleep deprivation will cause  obesity because it can lead to hormonal changes that increase the craving for food.

When a person doesn’t get enough sleep, their body produces ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. At the identical time, a lack of sleep also results in a lower production of leptin, a hormone that suppresses the appetite.

Researchers reviewed proof for over twenty eight thousand children and fifteen thousand adults in the United Kingdom from 1977 to 2012. In 2012, they drew the conclusion that sleep deprivation considerably magnified obesity risk in both categories of adults and kids. The changes affected kids as young as five years old.

More detail on the importance of sleep is given in my post/article

Endocrine disruption A team from the University of Barcelona published a study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology that provides clues as to how liquid fructose — a type of sugar — in beverages might alter lipidoid energy metabolism.

After feeding rats a 10-percent fruit sugar solution for fourteen days, the scientists noted that their metabolism was starting to change. Scientists believe there’s a link between high consumption of fruit sugar and obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Ready-made sauces often contain high-fructose corn syrup, which scientists have linked to a risk of obesity.

Ready-made sauces often contain high-fructose corn syrup, which scientists have linked to a risk of obesity.

syndrome. [More on metabolic syndrome to follow] Authorities have raised concerns about the use of high-fructose corn syrup to sweeten drinks and other food products.

Animal studies have found that once a person becomes obese because of sugar consumption, there is also a close link with type 2 diabetes.

In 2018, researchers printed the results of investigations involving young rats. They also went through metabolic changes, oxidative stress, and inflammation after consuming fructose syrup.

The researchers note that an increased sugar intake is an awfully important predictor of metabolic risk in youth.

They necessitate changes within the diets of the youth to prevent these problems.

The use of high fructose corn syrup as an ingredient is an insidious exercise. It is contained in a number of products that we normally wouldn’t expect. Therefore, the reading of product labels is required reading these days. We must be vigilant with our health!

Below is a list of foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup:

  • sweetened foods, such as yogurt, juices, and canned foods
  • candy and ice cream
  • sodas, energy drinks, and sports drinks
  • coffee creamer
  • sauces and condiments, including salad dressings, ketchup, and barbecue sauce
  • bread and other ready-made baked goods
  • breakfast cereal, cereal bars, and energy or nutrition bars

To reduce your intake of high fructose corn syrup and other additives:

  • Again – check the labels before you buy
  • opt for unsweetened or less processed items where possible
  • make salad dressings and bake other products at home

Medications – Some medications can also lead to weight gain.

Results of a review and meta-analysis printed within The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2015 found that some medicines caused individuals to increase their weight over a period of several months. Some examples are:

  • some antidepressants
  • anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers, and specifically gabapentin
  • hypoglycemic medications, such as tolbutamide
  • atypical antipsychotics, especially olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone
  • glucocorticoids used to treat rheumatoid arthritis

However, some medications may lead to weight loss. Therefore, anyone who is starting a new medication and is concerned about their weight should be sure to ask their doctor whether the drug is likely to have any effect on weight.

Obesity can self-perpetuate The longer a person is overweight, the harder it may be for them to lose weight.

Here’s why. Findings of a mouse study, printed in the journal Nature Communications in 2015, recommended that the more fat an individual carries, the less probability of the body burning fat, attributable to a super molecule, or gene, known as sLR11.

It appears that the more extra fat someone has, the more sLR11 their body will produce. The protein blocks the body’s ability to burn fat, making it harder to shed the extra weight. Therefore, the beginning of weight gain can be the beginning of a downward spiral if not checked.

The obesity gene Lastly obesity is preventable but not totally. It can be genetic. A faulty genetic material referred to as the fat-mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) is liable for some cases of obesity.

A study
published in 2013 points to a link between this factor and this disorder: behaviors that cause  obesity, a higher food intake, a preference for high-calorie foods, an impaired ability to feel full, known as satiety.

The hormone ghrelin plays an important role in food intake behavior. Ghrelin additionally affects the discharge of growth hormones and the way the body accumulates fat, among other functions.

The activity of the FTO genetic material might impact an individual’s possibility of becoming obese as a result of its affects on the amounts of ghrelin a person has.

In a study involving 250 people with food consumption disorders, printed in Plos One in 2017, researchers recommended that aspects of FTO additionally play a responsibility in conditions, such as binge eating and emotional eating.

One can see how complicated our bodies are and how closely our systems are linked.

What are the effects of obesity

Obesity is a disease that can lead to other serious health problems. Obesity has a far-ranging negative effect on health. Each year within the U.S., obesity-related conditions totals over $100 billion and cause premature deaths. The health effects linked with obesity follows:

High blood pressure Excess weight needs more blood to circulate to the fat tissue and causes the blood vessels to become narrow (aka – coronary artery disease). This makes the heart work harder, because it must pump more blood against more resistance from the blood vessels and can lead to a heart attack (aka – myocardial infarction). More flowing blood and extra resistance conjointly suggests a lot of pressure on the artery walls. Higher pressure on the artery walls will increase the blood pressure. Excess weight also raises blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and lowers HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels, adding to the risk of heart disease.

Type 2 diabetes Obesity is the major cause of type 2 diabetes. Obesity is capable of causing your body to be resistant to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. When it causes insulin resistance, your blood sugar level rises. Even moderate obesity dramatically increases the risk for diabetes. More on insulin in my post/article

Heart disease Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, happens more often in obese people. Coronary artery illness is additionally diagnosed more in obese people as a result of fatty deposits that build up in arteries that supply the heart. Narrowed arteries and reduced blood flow to the heart can cause chest pain called angina or a heart attack. Blood clots can also form in narrowed arteries and travel to the brain, causing a stroke.

Joint problems, including osteoarthritis Obesity can affect the knees and hips because the extra weight stresses the joints. Joint replacement surgery may not be a good choice for an obese person because the artificial joint has a higher risk of loosening and causing even more damage.

Respiratory problems and Sleep apnea Sleep apnea causes people to stop breathing for brief periods during sleep. Sleep apnea interrupts sleep and causes sleepiness during the day and behavioral problems in children. It also causes heavy snoring. Sleep apnea is also linked to high blood pressure. For more on sleep apnea see my post/article

Breathing issues tied to obesity happen when additional weight of the chest wall squeezes the lungs. This restricts breathing.

Cancer Being overweight or obese will increase your risk for a variety of cancers, according to the American Cancer Society. Among obese females, the risk increases for cancer of the endometrium or the lining of the uterus in younger women. Obese ladies additionally increase their risk for breast cancers in those that have undergone change of life (menopause). Men who are overweight have a higher risk for prostate cancer. Both men and women who are obese are at increased risk for colorectal cancer.

Metabolic syndrome The National Cholesterol Education Program says that metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Metabolic syndrome has several major risk factors. These are abdomen (stomach) obesity, high blood triglyceride levels, low HDL cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance (severe type 2 diabetes). Having at a minimum three (3) of those risk factors confirms the labeling of metabolic syndrome. People with obesity are additionally possible to acquire metabolic syndrome.

Psychosocial effects individuals who are overweight or obese will have issues socially or psychologically. This is because the culture in the U.S. often values a body image that’s somewhat or overly thin. Therefore, they are considered unattractive.

Overweight and obese people are often blamed for their condition. Other people may have the opinion of them as lazy or weak-willed.

It is not uncommon for people that ar overweight or obese to earn less than other people or to possess fewer or no romantic relationships. Some people’s disapproval and bias against those who are overweight may progress to discrimination, and even torment. Sadly, as a result, these sociological demeaning factors can manifest into depression. Depression is more prevalent in people who are overweight and obese.

How to prevent obesity

As I always like to say: prevention is better than cure! It is imperative that we are more proactive with our health than reactive. Our bodies are good at informing us when something is wrong. We just have to pay attention to the signs and promptly react positively.

Therefore, I am compelled to cover ways for us to prevent this lethal condition in the first place.

I recently discovered during my six-month check-up that I’d gained 20lbs since the previous six months. What was worst, 99% of it was in the middle! So, instead of crash dieting, I moderated: cutting my carbs in half (e.g. no more cookies, fresh fruit instead), and stopped going for seconds and if I do it’s for veggies and doubled my exercise (I walk). I also increased my protein.   Especially after realizing that my breakfast consisted mostly of carbs.  Protein increases metabolism, decreases appetite and changes several weight-modifying hormones.  The weight gain has leveled off and I’m starting to reduce. I now have to buy a scale! I hadn’t owned one since 2004!

Therefore, I suggest the following:

Follow a healthy eating plan. Eat 5 to 6 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. A vegetable serving is one cup of raw vegetables or ½ cup of hard boiled vegetables or vegetable juice. A fruit serving is one piece of very small to medium ripened fruit, one-half cup of canned or fresh fruit or fruit juice, or one-fourth cup of dried fruit. An individual has a lower risk of obesity if their diet consists mainly of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If it’s easier to follow a formal diet plan, I suggest The Lean Body Breakthrough.

Choose whole grain foods such as rice (brown ) and whole wheat bread. Avoid excessively processed foods created with refined white sugar, flour and saturated fat.

Exercise regularly. You need to accomplish one hundred fifty (150) to three hundred (300) minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week to stop and prevent weight gain.

Know and stay away from the food snares that cause you to eat. This tends to be different for everyone. But we all know what our weaknesses are…we just need to address them.

Monitor your weight regularly. This is the only way to know that you’re on and staying on the right track.

Be consistent. Once you have the plan, stick with it. Remember, the world wasn’t made in a day. Those 20lbs I gained took time. So will losing them. It’s just a matter of changing our habits. Studies indicate that it takes 17 days to form a habit. Once the habits(the lifestyle changes) are formed, it becomes a lot easier.

How to treat obesity

No two individuals ar alike, so it’s important to create a weight-loss plan that works for you. That may mean making an attempt to lose one (1) to two (2) pounds per week, or losing at the pace of a ½ a pound per week. Even at that lower rate, over the course of a year, you’ll lose 24 pounds, and if you maintain that rate, over three years you’ll drop 78 pounds. Regardless of what treatment plan you follow, losing weight slowly will be more effective and healthy over the long term because quick weight loss often spurs weight regain.

So here’s the prescription: diet, exercise, environmental changes.

For those who have tried these and haven’t gotten satisfactory results, consult your physician to consider:

To repeat what I mentioned earlier, the beginning of weight gain can be the beginning of a downward spiral if not checked. We must be vigilant when it comes to our health.


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Children and Sleep Apnea

It happens to children too.

In my previous article: I addressed obstructive sleep apnea in adults. But did you know that children can be a victim of the same? Can a child have sleep Apnea? If your child snores, chances are he or she may very well be experiencing an interruptive sleep disorder. So now is the time to address, children and sleep apnea. It is formerly known as pediatric obstructive sleep apnea

Causes of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea

Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which a child’s breathing is partially or completely blocked repeatedly during sleep. The underlying cause in adults is commonly obesity, while in children the most common underlying condition is enlargement of the adenoids and tonsils. However, obesity can also play a role in children. Besides fatness, other risk factors include having: Down syndrome, abnormalities in the skull or face, cerebral palsy, sickle cell disease, neuromuscular disease, history of low birth weight, or family history of obstructive sleep apnea.

Other underlying factors can be craniofacial anomalies and neuromuscular disorders.

There are other differences between pediatric obstructive sleep apnea and adult sleep apnea. While adults usually suffer with sleepiness during the day, children are more likely to have behavioral problems.

Getting an early diagnosis and treatment are important to prevent complications that can affect a child’s growth, cognitive development and behavior.

What are the symptoms

Signs and symptoms, of pediatric sleep apnea during sleep in addition to snoring include:

  • Mouth breathing
  • Snorting, coughing or choking
  • Pauses in breathing
  • Restless sleep
  • Bed wetting
  • Nightmares

Children with sleep apnea during the day may:

  • Be hyperactive
  • Perform poorly in school
  • Have difficulty paying attention
  • Have learning problems
  • Have behavioral problems
  • Have poor weight gain


Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea can have serious complications, including: Heart problems, failure to grow, even death.


When a child consistently wakes up in the morning feeling tired after sleeping the proper amount of time and has behavioral problems it’s time to make an appointment with the pediatrician.

To diagnose pediatric sleep apnea, the doctor will review the child’s symptoms and medical history and conduct a physical exam. Several tests might be ordered to diagnose the condition.

Tests might include:

Polysomnogram – Doctors will evaluate the child’s condition during an overnight sleep study. This test uses sensors applied to the body to record brain wave activity, breathing patterns, snoring, oxygen levels, heart rate and muscle activity during sleep.

Oximetry – If doctors firmly suspect sleep apnea, and a full polysomnogram isn’t needed or available, an overnight recording of oxygen levels might help make the diagnosis. Oximetry can be done at home. However, it sometimes fails to give the diagnosis. In that case, a polysomnogram will still be needed.

Electrocardiogram – In an electrocardiogram, sensor patches with wires attached (electrodes) measure the electrical impulses given off by the heart. Doctors may use this test to determine if there is an underlying heart condition.

The doctor will work with the parents to find the most appropriate treatment for the child’s sleep apnea. Treatment might include: Medications, removal of the tonsils and adenoids, positive airway pressure therapy, or oral appliances.

Home remedies and Lifestyle changes

  • Avoid airway irritants and allergens. All kids, however particularity those with pediatric sleep apnea, must avoid tobacco smoke or any other indoor allergens or pollutants, as they will cause airway irritation and congestion.
  • Weight loss. Doctors may recommend a reduction in weight if he or she is obese. The doctor can provide diet and nutrition information, or refer to other specialists with expertise in managing obesity.

Pay close attention to your child’s sleep. Especially if any of the symptoms listed above exist. Do not hesitate to consult with your pediatrician. Early detection and treatment can make a world of difference to your child.

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Good health!






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