What are essential oils
A term I’ve heard on occasion but didn’t pay much attention to is “essential oils.” But suddenly my curiosity has risen because it seems that I’m hearing it more often. So I couldn’t help but wonder, what are essential oils and what are they used for? Also, what are essential oils and do they work?
Essential oils are compounds removed from plants. The oils confine the plant’s scent and flavor, also known as its essence. Unique fragrant compounds give each essential oil its characteristic essence.
Essential oils are attained through distillation (via steam and/or water) or mechanical means, such as cold pressing. The way the oils are processed is important, as essential oils obtained through chemical processes are not considered true essential oils.
These oils are concentrated and very potent. Therefore, once the aromatic chemicals have been removed, they are combined with a carrier oil to create a product that’s ready for use. Carrier oils are vegetable oils, such as coconut oil or avocado oil that have been derived from the seeds, kernels, or nuts of a plant.
What are essential oils used for
Essential oils are used in aromatherapy, a complementary therapy where various essential oils are applied to the body to aid both physical and emotional health and well-being (wellness). They are sniffed, or diluted then rubbed on the skin. They are not meant to be swallowed. Inhaling the aromas can stimulate areas of your limbic system, which is a part of your brain that plays a role in emotions, behaviors, sense of smell and long-term memory. What is interesting, the limbic system is heavily involved in forming memories. This will partially make a case for why acquainted smells can trigger reminiscences or emotions. It also plays a role in controlling some unconscious physiological functions, such as breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. Some claim that essential oils can exert a physical effect on your body in this way. But this has not been confirmed in studies.
Aromatherapy is used to help with a wide range of health issues, from acne to asthma, depression to insomnia, and migraine to worms.
Well Known Types
There are more than 90 types of essential oils, each with its own distinctive aroma and potential health benefits.
Here’s a few of the popular ones and the health assertions associated with them:
- Sandalwood: Used to calm nerves and help with focus.
- Lavender: Used for stress relief.
- Peppermint: Used to boost energy and help with digestion.
- Jasmine: Used to help with depression, childbirth and libido
- Chamomile: Used for improving mood and relaxation.
- Lemon: Used to aid digestion, mood, headaches and more.
- Ylang-Ylang: Used to treat headaches, nausea and skin conditions.
- Tea Tree: Used to fight infections and boost immunity.
- Bergamot: Used to reduce stress and improve skin conditions like eczema.
- Rose: Used to improve mood and reduce anxiety.
Other Uses
Essential oils have many uses outside of aromatherapy. Many people use them to scent their homes or wash things like laundry. They are additionally used as a natural scent in home-produced cosmetics and high-quality natural merchandise. It has also been suggested that they could provide a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to man-made mosquito repellents, such as DEET. However, results of their effectiveness have been mixed.
Their properties also indicate that some of them could be used industrially for extending the shelf life of foods. They also aid in healing infections, cleansing, cleaning and deodorizing. Tea Tree oil for example is used in environmentally friendly household cleaners.
In summary, aromatherapy isn’t the only use for essential oils. They can be used in and around the home, as well as industrially.
Where to buy Essential Oils
Many businesses claim that their oils are “pure” or “medical grade. Since it is an unregulated industry, the quality and composition of essential oils can vary greatly.
Therefore, the following tips might help to choose only high-quality oils:
- Purity: Find an oil that contains only aromatic plant compounds, without additives or synthetic oils. Pure oils usually list the plant’s botanical name.
- Quality: True essential oils are the ones that have been changed the least by the extraction process. Choose a chemical-free oil that has been extracted through distillation or mechanical cold pressing.
- Reputation: Purchase a brand with a reputation for producing high-quality products.
Essential oils can be bought on-line. In fact, it is the best place to buy essential oils. You just need to know where to buy essential oils on line. For information on the largest on-line wellness company in North America that features essential oils with uncompromising quality, logon www.info@universal-health-products.com
to make your request.
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Good Health!!