The Problem
We all know the importance of good eye health. But what do we specifically do to maintain our eye health? Does it include supplementation? There is a supplement on the market to aid in most of the numerous functions of our bodies and these include the eyes. This post is a descriptive article of a product specifically for the eyes named Optizo. It also includes my experience with this product.
A survey has indicated that 78% of baby boomers revealed that vision was the most important of the five senses. But while over half of them took supplements for heart, bone, and health, fewer than 20 % used supplements for their eyes.
Baby boomers or not, we all should be concerned about maintaining our eye health. With the heavy use of electronic devices with screens these days, our eyes need more protection than ever from the damage that can occur.
We too often wait until there is a problem before we concern ourselves with our sight. So why not get a head start and supplement it as we supplement other aspects of our health?
Our bodies are under perpetual attack from pollution, harmful chemicals in our food, excessive sun exposure, toxins, and even waste products from normal metabolism that can lead to a buildup of free radicals.
Free radicals are tiny dangerous particles that can damage cells and DNA. Scientists refer to this condition as oxidative stress. Regrettably, this oxidative stress from the accumulation of free radicals has been shown to increase with aging. For more detailed information on free radicals, please read the article, “What are Free Radicals and why are they Bad” on this website.
In a fierce sequence, free radicals begin and proliferate an excessive inflammatory process, which in succession creates more free radicals producing a downward health spiral.
The cause for concern is. . .compared to most other organs, the eyes are especially susceptible to oxidative damage due to their continuous contact with light and their high biochemical activity (metabolism).
To make the situation worse, this exposure to light does not merely refer to ultraviolet light, but blue light. Ultraviolet and blue light are two different sources of light.
While UV light is measured as, invisible, blue light is a wave in the visible light spectrum. These are the rays that produce the blue color in the sky. There are numerous sources of blue light; they include sunlight.
In its natural form, the body requires a minuscule amount of blue light from the sun to regulate the natural sleep and wake cycles, also known as circadian rhythms. In more modest amounts, blue light can help advance alertness and elevate feelings of well-being. For more detailed information on blue light, please see the article, “Facts about Blue Light” on this website.
So with those advantages, why be concerned about blue light exposure?

Well, too much of a good thing is a bad thing. In addition, to being at hand in sunlight, blue light is contained in many forms of the light bulbs in use including LED, fluorescent, and to a lesser extent incandescent.
The most serious source as mentioned earlier: technology. The real dilemma is the blue light attacking us from such an abundance of electronic devices like:
- Anything with LED lighting
- Computer monitors and laptops
- Smartphones
- Tablets, iPads, and e-readers
- TVs
Regrettably, research indicates that 80% of adults in the US utilize digital devices for more than two (2) hours daily. The percentage is higher for children and teens.
Blue light creates flickering and glare that can affect sharpness and clarity in vision that affects the ability to perceive differences between objects and their background. This condition has been linked to the following:
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Eyestrain
- And other issues produced by constantly looking at a computer screen or using an electronic device.
The natural filters of the eyes do not provide an adequate defense against blue light rays from the sun, not to mention the blue light stemming from the high-tech devices.
In addition to the conditions mentioned above, there is another concern.
In the retina, there are special cells called photoreceptors. They commence the process of sight by absorbing and converting light into electrical signals. Subsequently, these signals are transmitted to other cells in the retina and finally through the optic nerve to the brain where they are managed into the images seen.
Unfortunately, the photoreceptor cells display the greatest rate of oxidation of all cells in the body. Therefore, supporting the health of these cells is crucial to supporting complete visual function.
So what is the answer?
The Answer?
The key solution to supporting optimal eye health is antioxidants. An abundant supply of antioxidants daily is so crucial because antioxidants circulate inside the body, eradicating free radicals that modify the healthy functioning of cells (including cells in the retina). Excess free radicals can lead to adverse outcomes that affect health. For more detailed information on free radicals, see the article, “What are Free Radicals and why are they bad” on this website.
The thinking is individuals can acquire all the antioxidants they require with a diet high in vegetables and fruits. However, in the case of older adults, studies show many utilize less than the government-suggested levels of fruits and vegetables. However, on the contrary, individuals over 60 consume the lowest quantity of antioxidants. This is even though older individuals require more dietary antioxidants than younger adults do.
To make matters worse, the aging process can reduce the ability to absorb certain nutrients including antioxidant nutrients from food.
The point is, individuals in an older age group, are more likely to fall victim to an antioxidant deficiency.
Additionally, not all antioxidants are the same. Specific antioxidants excel at fighting specific kinds of free radicals or perform better under specific conditions.
There are thousands of different antioxidants that include, vitamins, minerals, as well as phytochemicals (plant-derived nutrients).
The question becomes, how does an individual obtain the all-important antioxidants — specifically the ones that can help maintain healthy vision?
As it has been pointed out, it is difficult to obtain them from diet alone and many well-known vision formulas or store brands come up short. Many contain only limited amounts of ingredients.
Introducing, OPTIZO.
What is Optizo?

Optizo is an innovative dietary supplement with a potent blend of nearly all essential vitamins and nutrients that promote the most favorable eye health and assist in maintaining visual function.
It was developed by Dr. David Brownstein and Medix Select, a premium supplement company. Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., is the medical director at Michigan’s highly respected Center for Holistic Medicine. According to Newsmax, Dr. Brownstein is one of the top ten (10) holistic professionals in America. He is also the producer of the popular newsletter Dr. Brownstein’s Natural Way to Health
and has also penned numerous books on various health-related subjects. As a board-certified family physician, he concentrates on natural as well as traditional solutions for health concerns in all age groups.
Optizo contains an exclusive combination of 25 potent vitamins, nutrients, and botanicals that offer benefits targeted to the eyes to maintain and improve eye health. Optizo’s progressive supplement formula includes Lutemax2020®, which has been proven clinically to have clear benefits that support the health and function of the eyes.
As a result, Optizo provides the following benefits:
- Helps Filter Blue Light and Reduces Oxidative Stress
- Improves Contrast Sensitivity in Retinal Health
- Increases Macular Pigment Ocular Density (MPOD)
- Reduces Digital Eye Fatigue and Eyestrain
- Support Visual Adaptation to Low Light Conditions
- Supports Eye Health and Vision
- Supports Visual Acuity and Adaptation
- Supports Visual Function
- Supports Visual Recovery After Bright Light Exposure
Optizo Ingredients

In addition to Lutemax2020, Optizo contains plant-derived nutrients called carotenoids. These carotenoids have demonstrated potent activity against free radicals in the eyes. While there is an abundance of 600 carotenoids found in nature, only three (3) carotenoids are established in excessive concentrations in the retina and its central portion, the macula — lutein, zeaxanthin, and its molecular relative meso-zeaxanthin.
Since lutein and zeaxanthin are not formed by the body, they must be acquired through diet or supplementation.
Taking a look at diet, lutein and zeaxanthin are derived in dark leafy vegetables and yellow to orange fruits and vegetables. Researchers also found meso-zeaxanthin in fish such as trout, salmon, and sardines but most evidence suggests it is primarily produced in the body.
Regrettably, the typical American consumption of these carotenoids is considerably below levels revealed by research to be favorable for eye health. This is why Dr. Brownstein worked with the experts at Medix Select to create the antioxidant-loaded eye health and vision support recipe Optizo.
Because lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin are so important for vision support, it is understandable as to why Dr. Brownstein made them the most important ingredients in his eye-supporting Optizo formula.
But he didn’t merely desire the standard nutrients, but nutrients backed by science and provided at researched levels. That is why he chose Lutemax 2020®.
Lutemax 2020 is a naturally derived exclusive extract from the marigold plant. It supplies all three(3) macular carotenoids: lutein and superior levels mutually of zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin — at the same 5:1 ratio as found in nature to best support eye health to the maximum.
Notable scientific examination has backed the efficiency of Lutemax 2020.
My Personal Experience with Optizo
The Benefit
I have been taking Optizo for about a year and a half and the noticeable benefit for me is a noticeable increase in the clarity of my vision, especially concerning distance. It is more sharp and concise than before.
The other benefit, peace of mind. Medix Select, the company that Dr. Brownstein works with to produce Optizo is a very high-quality wellness company. I have used several of their supplements over time and they work.
Therefore, even though I spend a lot of time on my computers, I have peace of mind knowing that I am taking a quality supplement for my eyes that will help keep them healthy and functioning properly. For more information and pricing on Optizo and their other supplements, click this link.
As of this date, I have not experienced any disadvantages with using this or any product produced by Medix select.
Please feel free to leave any comment, question, or concern below.
Good Health!!
Hey Nathaniel,
That was such a great read. I for one did not understand the ramifications of the blue light and how important it is for us to keep up with our antioxidants. My goodness! We spend so much time on our devices, we should look to put on those filters that will help ease those issues. That product also sounds like it will do more than just help my eyes, so I think it is a great buy. Thanks for bringing that into my space.
Your are correct Jovianeb, the blue light filters on our devices are very helpful for our eyes and our sleep. You can find them in the settings tab.
Thanks for commenting!
I am a 68 year old female, very active physically and mentally. I spend a great part of my day on my devices creating music videos and recording. This article is timely because there are times when my eyes feel so stressed after a day’s work. Pain at the temples, tightness in the shoulders and general discomfort in my head area tell me that I need to pay attention to my eyes. I am very attentive to my diet and rest and exercise, but from reading this I realize that I need to do something specific about my eyes. Is this product available for shipping overseas ?
Hi JJ – Yes Medix Select does ship to other countries. I don’t know what country your are located in but there are lot’s of countries listed on their order form. If you click on one of the Optizo images it will link you to the website. There is also a banner in the sidebar that will connect you. If I can help in anyway, just let me know.
Thanks for commenting and take care of those eyes!